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RCRJ 203 Criminology Cynthia Najdowski 4 10 14 Property Crime Clearing property crimes Only 19 of serious property crimes cleared by arrest exceptional means Problems Less evidence leads Volume Types of property crimes Serious Burglary Larceny theft Motor vehicle theft Arson Lesser Vandalism Buying receiving possession of stolen property Forgery counterfeiting fraud Identity theft Types of criminals Occasional criminals Amateurs Conventional criminals Minor leaguers Professional criminals Career criminals Burglary The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony of theft Attempted forcible entry Routine Activity Theory Crime prevention invest in security cameras or alarms Lock doors Larceny Theft The unlawful taking of property from the possession or constructive possession of another Types shoplifting for little or a lot of money Theory Classical Theory The rush thrill makes you want to steal Crime prevention Make the pleasure not worth the punishment Motor Vehicle Theft The theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle The vehicle has to be self propelled and runs on land surface only Types Chop shops Theory Classical Theory thrill of stealing the car Crime Prevention lock your cars and increase the punishment Arson Any willful of malicious burning or attempted to burn with or without intent to defraud a dwelling house personal property Neoclassical Theory Pyromaniacs Crime prevention increase punishment Buying Receiving possession of stolen property Transporting of property with the knowledge that it has been unlawfully taken Types Pawnshops with stolen goods Theory Economic Theory cheaper on black market then in retail Prevention control level of expenses Forgery Altering copying imitating of something without authority or right Types forging checks making fake Ids Theory Economic theory someone trying to get by Counterfeiting bills and checks altering and imitating an original or genuine bill Types buying selling counterfeit bills Theory Economic Theory Crime Prevention Close the gap between class ranks The prevention of the truth for the purpose of inducing another person or other entity in reliance upon it to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right Theory routine activity theory Economic Theory Prevention increase crime prevention Personal identity stolen Types hacking dumpster diving electronic readings credit cards readers Theory Routine Activity Theory Crime prevention have credit card Counterfeiting Fraud Identity theft

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UAlbany CRJ 203 - Property Crime

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