Adolescence Transition from dependent child to self supporting adult from 12 22ish cultural differences emerging adulthood Physical Changes Spurt in brain growth emotions before impulse control Puberty skeletal growth spurt with sexual maturation ability to reproduce Timing Girls 11 5 Boys 13 5 Who has an advantage for girls Middle Issues for early and late girls Who has an advantage for boys Early date before ready experiment lower grades and ridicule Early better athletes more popular self concept BUT by adulthood late boys often doing well at time can be anxious and self conscious Cognitive Changes More self aware more self reflective Who am I How do I fit in the world Reflects improved cognitive skills Growing ability to think abstractly problem solve remember brain changes Teen Egocentric Thinking Imaginary audience believe everyone is looking at and judging them constantly Don t realize that most are too caught up in themselves to care Personal fable common belief of adolescents that they are unique and protected from harm Social and Emotional Changes Shift from family to friends influence and interest but family still counts Teen stress and storm Not like myth suggests A time of rapid change Many experience more extreme mood fluctuations Really hard for some suicide drugs alcohol violence But most have no major problems Conflict with parents especially moms go up for both sexes Parents report is the hardest age to parent Adolescent Risk Taking Risk taking behavior up for many teens This in spite of fact decision making skills improving so they DO understand risks So why take them Reward sensitivity increases Self regulation difficulties impulsivity Social peer pressure presence Personal fable
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