Exam 3 Tuesday 4 15 in class The exam will consist of 25 multiple choice questions 2 pts each 50 pts 15 points short answer 10 points short essays Total 75 points Pay close attention to recommendations regarding research methodology or the pros and cons of various approaches discussed in class This is what you need to know for the exam 4 1 14 Inferential Statistics Understand hypothesis testing and the use of the null and alternative hypotheses Null hypothesis no association and no difference Alternative hypothesis an association exists groups are different In research test the alternative hypotheses predications against the null Know what a p value is and that it needs to be less than 05 to be statistically significant P value probability If p value less than 05 it s statistically significant so it s not a fluke and is true of the population o We reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis Understand the conditions under which we reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis We reject the null hypothesis when the p value is than 05 We fail to reject the null hypothesis when the p value is greater than 05 Know which types of data the chi square correlation and t tests can be used with Chi sqaure Correlation Pearson s r T test level o Used to test the association between two nominal categorical variables o Used to test the association between two interval or ratio variables o Used to test whether two groups categories differ on an interval or ratio Know the range of a correlation how to tell its strength and the difference between a positive and a negative correlation o Ranges 1 to 1 Closer to 1 or 1 the stronger the correlation Closer to 0 no correlation 1 is a negative correlation 1 is a positive correlation
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