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Metabolism the sum of all the metabolic pathways within an organism intermediaries compounds that are internal to a metabolic pathway metabolic pathway series of chemical reactions each of which is catalyzed by an enzyme anabolic pathways use of energy and simple organic building blocks to create more complex molecules catabolic pathways convert complex molecules to simpler ones releasing energy for use by the organism fermentation process used to produce wines distilled liquors and other products form of anaerobic respiration without oxygen energy the capacity to do work i e any change that won t happen on its own kinetic energy energy of motion potential energy stored energy chemical energy energy stored in chemical bonds energy cannot be created or destroyed one way system comes from the sun captured by living organisms and eventually released back out as heat plants use solar energy to build sugar molecules sugar molecules store chemical energy in the bonds that join its atom heat is energy possessed by any substance because of random jiggling of its molecules and atoms low form of energy disorderly and spreads out rapidly throughout most materials ATP important because of high energy phosphate bonds energy released when reacts with water to form ADP or AMP hydrolysis reaction using water to break bonds between phosphates all cell activities powered by energy released when ATP loses terminal phosphate condensation reaction ADP P can combine to form ATP exergonic reactions that release energy endergonic reactions that require energy ex building ATP from ADP cellular respiration uses process of breaking down sugars to build ATP occurring in mitochondria chloroplasts where pigments are contains in plants and algae photosynthesis uses pigments like chlorophyll in chloroplasts to absorb light energy which is used to produce sugars Wavelengths best for photosynthesis red and blue green light reflects why chlorophyll appears green cellular respiration high energy e and H are transferred from organic molecule to O2 rapid transfer generates unusable form of energy heat transfer utilizes enzyme carries NAD and FAD Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NAD and flavin adenine dinucleotide FADH ability to accept and donate electrons resulting in ability to shuttle electrons around cell 3 important steps happening during cellular respiration 1 carbon containing molecules used as cellular fuel are broken down and converted to CO2 2 e and H are produced as sugar is broken down and energy is harvested O2 combines with these byproducts to produce H2O 3 energy released when carbon containing molecules are broken down is captured and used to generate ATP molecules some energy is also lost as heat cytoplasm where breakdown of sugar begins in eukaryotes generation of CO2 and ATP synthesis happen in mitochondria 1 Glycolysis happens in cytoplasm of cell breaking of a sugar molecule in half glucose most common sugar used in this process 6 C sugar glucose is split into 2 3 C molecules pyruvate the 3 C pyruvate broken into 2 C molecule called acetyl CoA extra C is released as CO2 acetyl CoA is bound to 4 C molecules called Oxaloacetate to make 6 C molecule called Citric Acid which then is broken down into the oxaloacetate high energy electrons passed from NADH and FADH2 to proteins on the inner membrane of the mitochondria passed from one protein to the next each stage loss of energy used to create concentration gradient of protons H which is used to build ATP O binds with electron and loose H to produce water can produce over 30 ATP molecules main source for cell respiration electron transport chain protons flow down their concentration gradient through a protein called ATP synthase cv fermentation breaks down organic molecules and stores energy as ATP with or without O makes 2 ATP and 2 NADH 2 Citric Acid or Kreb s Cycle happens in mitochondria makes 1 ATP 3 NADH and 1 FADH2 3 Electron Transport Chain electrons lose energy IN CLASS global warming is bad a certificate chowing that a certain amount of CO2 has been removed from the environment Carbon Credit renewable energy increased energy efficient processes that transform greenhouse gases sequestration of CO2 plant growth

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UA RNR 170D - Metabolism

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