Kines 1223 Unit 5 Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic and Parasympathetic System Spinal Cord Brain Lecture 1 How many pairs of spinal nerves are there How do spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord Dorsal root of spinal nerves Afferent or efferent Sensory or motor Presence of ganglion Ventral root of spinal nerves Afferent or efferent Sensory or motor Presence of ganglion What are the regions of spinal nerves 1 2 3 4 What are the plexuses of spinal nerves 1 2 3 4 5 What is the advantage of the formation of plexuses What is a dermatome Autonomic nervous system of peripheral nervous system Afferent or efferent Voluntary or involuntary Innervation Importance Number of neurons in chain Comparison between somatic and autonomic nervous systems Somatic Number of neurons Myelinated or unmyelinated Neurotransmitter at synapse Neurotransmitter excitatory or inhibitory Sympathetic autonomic nervous system Number of neurons Myelinated or unmyelinated Neurotransmitter at synapse Neurotransmitter excitatory or inhibitory Nickname Parasympathetic autonomic nervous system Number of neurons Myelinated or unmyelinated Neurotransmitter at synapse Neurotransmitter excitatory or inhibitory Nickname True or false Signals travel faster in the autonomic nervous system than in the somatic nervous system Comparison between sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous systems Sympathetic Location of preganglionic cell bodies Location of postganglionic cell bodies Length of preganglionic fiber Length of postganglionic fiber Neurotransmitter at preganglionic synapse Neurotransmitter at effector synapse Parasympathetic Location of preganglionic cell bodies Location of postganglionic cell bodies Length of preganglionic fiber Length of postganglionic fiber Neurotransmitter at preganglionic synapse Neurotransmitter at effector synapse Organization of gray matter of spinal cord How are cell bodies organized within gray matter of spinal cord Horns 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 What is somatotopic Organization of white matter of spinal cord Funiculi 1 2 3 Fasciculi 1 Ascending 2 Descending a b c d a b c Lecture 2 Embryo development of brain 1 2 3 Mature development of brain 1 2 3 Meninges Layers 1 2 3 Spaces 1 2 3 Cerebrospinal fluid More of what substances than blood plasma Less of what substances than blood plasma Covers Functions True or false Cerebrospinal fluid is mostly produced in the lateral ventricles How is cerebrospinal fluid circulated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 What are ventricles Blood brain barrier Functions Controlled by 1 2 3 Materials that can pass Materials that cannot pass What are the functional groups of fibers 1 2 a True or false The spinal cord and cerebral hemispheres both have an inner gray unmyelinated region and an outer white myelinated region b 3 What are the lobes of the cerebral hemispheres 1 2 3 4 5 Sulcus Gyrus Left hemisphere of cerebrum Dominant for Right hemisphere of cerebrum Dominant for True or false All lobes of the cerebrum correspond to specific cranial bones True or false The lobes of the cerebrum have sensory and motor functions which control the opposite side of the body True or false The left hemisphere of the cerebrum is associated with primitive intuitive or gut feelings Cerebral cortex Involved in What are the functions of the cerebral lobes Occipital Frontal Pre central gyrus Post central gyrus What is the primary functional organization of the cerebrum 1 Motor 2 Sensory a b a b True or false A homunculis maps motor and sensory cortexes to proportionately represent specific areas and extents of innervation 3 Association c d e a b c d i What is the general interpretive area Lecture 3 What are memory traces Short term immediate memory Long term memory How is information moved from short term to long term memory What is memory consolidation Match part of brain 1 2 with function a b Formation of new memories 1 Association with emotional memories 2 a b Hippocampus Amygdala Basal nuclei Function Classes of nuclei 1 2 a b Diencephalon Location Develops from Contains Structures 1 a b c d 2 3 4 5 6 Limbic system Location Structures Function a b 5 6 Pons Location Contains 1 2 Function What structures compose the brain stem 1 2 3 Midbrain Location Superior brain stem segment connects brain stem and spinal cord with cerebrum Contains Bundles of myelinated fibers Structures 1 2 3 4 Medulla oblongata Location 1 2 Contains Nuclei control centers in medulla control visceral motor activities 1 2 3 What is the reticular formation What is sleep True or false Sleep results from increased RAS activity True or false Sleep is defined by brain wave patterns NREM nonrapid eye movement sleep Occurs when during sleep Dreams or dreamless Body response REM rapid eye movement sleep Occurs when during sleep Lasts how long Dreams or dreamless Body response Nicknamed Cerebellum Location Function Structures Contains 1 2 3 4 What are the types of cerebellar peduncles 1 2 3 True or false Olfactory cells are the only neurons which are not regularly replaced Lecture 4 Olfactory sense Type of cell Type of neuron Type of receptor How is olfactory sense stimulated Gustatory sense Type of cell Type of neuron Type of receptor How is gustatory sense stimulated What are five types of substances sensitive to gustatory cells 1 2 3 4 5 True or false The middle ear is filled with fluid What is the tympanic membrane What are the types of auditory ossicles 1 2 3 What two structures damp or reduce vibration to limit sound transmission to protect the inner ear 1 2 Eustachian tube Connects Function Cochlea Compartments 1 2 3 Organ of corti What is the path of sound transmission 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Lecture 5 a b What are the functions of the inner ear 1 2 What comprises the vestibular apparatus 1 2 What happens to vibrations across the perilymph of the scala tympani What is response specificity True or false Low frequencies cause slow vibrations and high frequencies cause fast vibration of tympanic membrane True or false Humans are only responsive to sounds between 1500 and 4000 Hz Match the semicircular canal 1 3 with the corresponding plane a c 1 2 3 Anterior Posterior Lateral 3 a Sagittal plane b Frontal plane c Transverse plane Semicircular canals Oriented Positioned Ampulla Crista ampullaris Utricle Saccule What are otoliths a Horizontal b Vertical Vestibule a Semicircular canals b Utricle c Saccule True or false There is one stereocilia and one kinocilium per hair cell Match the structure 1 4 with
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