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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Severe form of mental disability caused by mutant forms of the enzyme phenylalanine In the experiment by Hershey and Chase radioactive isotopes of what molecule demonstrated Genetics Final Study Guide Page 1 Exam 1 Uracil Which of the following is not a base found in DNA hydroxylase PAH Phenylketonuria PKU that DNA was the molecule of inheritance in t2 phage Phosphorus P32 Transcription can produce what type of RNA mRNA tRNA and rRNA The process of making protein from RNA is called Translation In the following metabolic pathway in a bacterium in which the substrate metabolite molecule W is converted to a final product of metabolite Z catalyzed by a series of three enzymes labeled A B and C what enzyme would be in excess in cells that are mutant for enzyme B The codon AUG which is the start codon for polypeptide synthesis also specifies the amino X acid Met the DNA of this organism 30 percent strand would be 5 CTAAAGC 3 When the base composition of double stranded DNA from a new species of bacteria was determined 20 percent of the bases were found to be adenine What is the percentage of cytosine in The sequence of one strand of DNA is 5 GCTTTAG 3 The sequence of the complementary What mRNA sequence would be encoded by the following DNA template strand 5 AUGUCCACUGCGGUC 3 How many amino acids would the previous strand in question 10 encode for hint no stop codon 12 What codon would pair with the anticodon of tRNAmet 5 CAU 3 is included in the sequence 5 5 AUG 3 13 Orthologous genes are 16 Starting with a parental cross between AA and aa the proportion of heterozygotes in the F2 Genetics Final Study Guide Page 2 Related through speciation In dihybrid crosses the ratio of 9 3 3 1 indicates Independent assortment Mating of two organisms produces a 1 1 ratio of phenotypes in the progeny The parental genotypes are Aa x aa progeny will be Carriers 1 4 4 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Incomplete penetrance Epistatis Incomplete dominance 4 the next child will be a girl Parents heterozygous for a recessive allele of a disease are called Probabilities are calculated using the multiplication rule when they Are independent In families where both parents are heterozygous for a recessive trait what is the probability of them having a child with the dominant normal phenotype Two parents with blood types A and B have a child who has O blood type What is the chance their next child will be AB In the cross Aa Bb Cc Dd x Aa Bb Cc Dd in which all genes undergo independent assortment what proportion of offspring are expected to be homozygous recessive for all four genes The situation in which an expected phenotype is not expressed is referred to as Dihybrid ratios of phenotypes deviating from the expected 9 3 3 1 ratio results from Type of dominance in which heterozygotes display intermediate phenotypes Assuming independent assortment how many different gametes can be formed by an organism that is homozygous for 3 and heterozygous for 2 genes Assuming equal sex ratios if a mating has already produced 3 girls what is the probability that 27 A woman with keratosis a skin condition caused by a rare dominant allele marries a normal man and they have two children What is the probability that both children are normal Genetics Final Study Guide Page 3 A person of blood type AB can receive blood from a person of The longitudal halves of a chromosome that has undergone replication are known as The process of cell division that ensures that each of the two daughter cells receives a chromosome complement identical with the complement of the parent cell is known as The portion of the cell cycle during which the chromosomes are replicated is called Regions of the chromosome with very few functional genes are called 28 29 30 31 32 33 Any other ABO type Chromatids Mitosis S phase Heterochromatin Meiosis The mode of cell division which results in four daughter cells that are genetically different with each cell containing one haploid set of chromosomes is known as 34 The enzyme that keeps the tips of chromosomes from shortening after successful rounds of replication by incorporation guide RNA Telomerase 35 Somatic cells of the red fox Vulpes vulpes normally have 38 chromosomes What is the number of chromosomes present in the nucleus in telophase II of meiosis 36 Common red green colorblindness is an X linked trait A woman whose father is colorblind marries a normal man and they have one son What is the probability that he is colorblind A genetically important event called crossing over occurs during Calculate the chi square value to determine if 60 dominant and 40 recessive trait pea progeny fit a 3 1 ratio What is the chi square value 19 37 38 Prophase I 12 39 Among the F2 progeny of a monohybrid cross what is the number of A and aa progeny whose probability of occurrence is given by the expression 40 30 10 3 4 30 1 4 10 Genetics Final Study Guide Page 4 What term describes the result of a statistical test in which the P value is less than 0 01 Consider a human family with three children and remember that each birth is equally likely to result in a boy or a girl What proportion of sibships will include at least one boy 30 and 10 Highly significant 40 41 7 8 42 A complementation test of five mutant strains for white flowers yield the following results where a equals wildtype purple and a equals mutant white progeny What mutants form a complete complementation group and are located on the same gene C x1 x3 43 In corn multicolored kernels are dominant to white kernels and starchy taste is dominant to sweet Using W and w for multicolored and white and S and s for starchy and sweet what are the expected fractions for the following phenotypes of corn produced from the cross WwSs x WwSs assuming independent assortment pioneered genetic analyses using Neurospora mutants White Multicolored and starchy 9 16 White and sweet 1 16 WWss 1 16 Beadle and Tatum 44 45 Mutant a b c Genetics Final Study Guide Page 5 Which is a class 2 mutant Mutant a Thickness of chromatin fiber in interphase 30 nm No P 0 05 do your observed data differ significantly Test cross with monohybrids would yield what types of progeny and in what ratios for the alleles wrinkled wrinkled C d in ratios 1 1 Exam 2 Recombination frequencies Are the same for cist and trans heterozygotes An individual with the genotype AB ab has his her alleles in cis configuration If recombination frequency between two genes is 5 what is the distance

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