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JOUR 2000 History of Advertising March 25 2014 Dr Broyles Jour 2000 History of Advertising Printing Press Johan Gutenburg o Printing press was invented in 1440 o The first thing that was printed was the bible This was INSANE because before this all bibles were HAND WRITTEN by monks and this was the only way you could get a bible After the Printing press was invented suddenly regular people had access to the bible and people were able to start interpreting it in their own ways this eventually lead to the REINSSANCE American Economic System America is known to follow a capitalism system The following things are what makes our economic system work o Supply and Demand Supply and demand is what regulates prices If we have a whole bunch of something the price of that something goes down If suddenly we have less of that something the price goes up o Access to Information In this country we all have equal access to information This is because of the Freedom of Information Act One example of this is the Internet Though we may not be able to always trust the Internet it is a place where we can find basically anything o Caueat Emptor This means buyer beware This idea is pretty self explanatory we have to be aware of what we are buying It is our responsibility to be a knowledgeable buyer o Reasonable Behavior Reasonable behavior is what makes our system work It s all about the question What would a reasonable person do The answer to this can vary but we all should be able to come up with some sort of common answer Critical Mass for Modern Advertising There are four critical parts of advertising that come together and make advertising work Without these things advertising wouldn t be possible so it is important that we know how each of these things work individually and as a group JOUR 2000 History of Advertising Mass Produced Goods In order for something to be worth advertising it is necessary for there to be a lot of it Remember THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION LEAD TO MASS PRODUCTION Mass Communication Mass communication is how we get the word out This started with Town Cryers and has slowly developed into all the things we use today books newspapers magazines radio and finally the Internet Mass Distribution In order for your product to be worth anything it has to be able to be distributed It s important that a product is distributed among a large area so that as many people as possible can know about your product Mass Education In order for an advertisement to work people have to be able to read and understand it This is why it is important that people are educated across a large area Media and Advertising A lot has changed about how we get our information This section takes us through a brief history of what different types of media have existed throughout time Newspaper In a newspaper the primary advertisements even today are department stores Magazines J Walter Thompson was the very first person to put ads in a magazine He figured out that he would make more money if ads were created to be content specific to different magazines Radio The first radio commercial was heard in 1922 It become the most entertainment people could get during the Great Depression Soap Operas were created because these types of radio shows were sponsored by Soap companies Television Television came post WWII and grew up along side the baby boom generation Internet This is OUR generation We are digital natives and we think differently than the baby boom generation Some Names that You need to know Rosser Reeves He was known for the Unique Selling Proposition USP This was the idea that only one idea could be present in ads and it had to be unique Leo Burnett Burnett opened an ad agency during the Great Depression in Chicago this agency is still the biggest agency in Chicago His main idea was Inherent Drama His ads include Tony the Tiger and the Pillsbury Dough Boy David Ogilvy Ogilvy was a big believer in research He is known for image advertising He took on the semi average Rolls Royce and made it into the car we know today Mary Wells Laurence She is the Queen of the Creative Revolution She worked at DDP and then went on to create her own agency She is known for putting stewardesses in mini skirts and go go boots and the I 3 NY campaign JOUR 2000 History of Advertising Bill Bernbach and Paul Rand Two friends who ended up starting the Creative Revolution The creative Revolution was the biggest change in advertising It combined words and pictures to create better ads

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