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quasi experiments nonequivalent control group design interrupted time series design small N designs stable baseline designs multiple baseline designs reversal design a study that is similar to an experiment except the the researchers do not have full experimental control they may not be able to randomly assign participants to independent variable conditions a quasi experiment that has a least one treatment group and one comparion group but participant have not been randomly assigned to the two groups a quasi experiment in which people are measured repeatedly on a dependent variable before during and after the interruption caused by some event a study in which researchers gather information from just a few cases a study in which a researcher observers behavior for an extended baseline period before beginning a treatment or other intervention if behavior during the baseline is stable the researcher is more certain of the treatments effectiveness a small N design in which researchers stagger their introduction of an intervention across a variety of contexts times or situations a study in which a researcher deserves a problem behavior both before and during treatment and then discontinues the treatment for a while to see if the problem behavior returns

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UD PSYC 414 - Notes

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