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multivariate design study designed to test an association involving more than two measured variables longitudinal design a study in which the same variables are measured in the same people at different points in time cross sectional correlations in a longitudinal design correlation between two variables that are measured at the same times autocorrelations correlation of one variable with itself measured at cross lag correlations in a longitudinal design correlation between an early measure of one variable and a later measure of multiple regressions statistical technique used to test for the influence of two different times another variable a third variable control for criterion variable mediating Variable holding a potential third variable steady while investigating the association between two other variables variable in a multiple regression that the researchers are most interested in understanding or predicting is used to explain variance in the dependent or criterion variable independent variable or mediator a variable that helps explain the relationship between two other variables predictor variables variable in an analysis using multiple regression that

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UD PSYC 414 - Notes

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