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Organizing your message The first part of a speech you should write is the body Introduction open with impact tell a story give a quotation make a startling statement refer to audience occasion or current event use appropriate humor share a personal experience ask a thought provoking question focus on thesis statement connect with your audience preview your speech Conclusion summarize your speech close with impact give a quotation tell a brief anecdote make a concrete call to action return to your opening theme Organizing the main points Outlining key ideas that support the thesis statement identify by I II III etc limit the number of main points 2 5 one main point one main idea parallel structure same tense relatively same amount of detail per main point equal treatment keep it simple Organizing the sub points identified by A B C if there s an A and B under one Roman numeral there must be an A and B under the next Roman numeral each main point should have 2 5 sub points Supporting points ideas that support sub points identified by 1 2 3 divide supporting points if necessary by a b c Putting it all together use signposts to make transitions among your main points prepare a formal outline prepare speakers notes use a few notecards with key words use visual aids that reflect the main points

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UCF SPC 1608 - Notes

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