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Arth335 Final Study Guide Rembrandt The Artist in his Studio 1628 o Face is blank and almost looks like a puppet frozen in front of the canvas o Palette is clean with no color could mean that this is before the artist has started painting o Studio is a humble setting with cracks on the wall was known for being cheap Self Portrait as a Young Man 1628 o Wiry hair shielding part of the forehead and casting shadow on the face created by scraping the end of the paint brush into wet paint ambitious o Has a distinct highlight over the face many early self portraits because he did not have the money to pay for models Self Portrait with Lace Collar 1629 o Young man with distinct bulbous nose of Rembrandt o Portrayed himself as a young country bumpkin wanted to show that he learned everything on his own without wealth or help o Looks proper distinguished purposefully blank background Self Portrait 1629 o Strives to portray shifts between emotions inside a person shows a moment of emotion Bust of an Old Man in a Fur Cap 1630 o Shows an exotic foreign man same model as the old woman but is completely transformed An Old Woman the Artist s Mother 1629 o Showed versatility in what he could portray o The woman is a humble old person ordinary looking with wrinkles Judas Repentant Returning the Pieces of Silver 1629 o Idea of sudden shift in the fortune in the life of the main character tragedy can come at any time comes from Greek tragedy o Sudden shift occurs because Judas gets paid and then feels guilt over betrayal Self Portrait Staring 1630 o Sketch copper engraving look of wide eyed surprise and pursed lips realism o Engravings were used to make easy duplicates of each other Self Portrait as a Beggar 1630 o Engraving with realism makes himself look ugly and bewildered with mouth open o Signed name at the bottom o Shows himself as a collector of handouts begging for attention The Raising of Lazarus 1630 o Shows quality of invention artist is given a story and must come up with an idea of how to o Depiction of Jesus is much more dramatic with highlight can fully see Lazarus rising from the St Paul at his Writing Desk 1630 o Orientalizing that comes from attempt to create historical narrative that comes from the portray the scene ground middle east o Shows that we cannot know anything about god but a reflection through dark glass scene is illuminated by light coming from bible o Paul looks down powerless as the Bible shines light he has no authority without god o Around the same time he made his own portrait as a beggar ugly and realistic engravings that A Beggar with a Wooden Leg 1630 are sketchy Nicholas Ruts 1631 Arth335 Final Study Guide fur trader Ruts o Beginning of his very major commission portraits travels to Amsterdam to find patrons like o Early critics noted his capacity to portray emotion The Anatomy Lecture of Dr Nicolaes Tulp 1632 o Cartoonish and unrealistic not typical way for doctors to open arms up o Intentionally highlights the mastery of technique and the hand as the vehicle of painting o Shows that making can receive positive knowledge even from a criminal o Different from Vanitas because the dead looks like a human not a skull Saskia van Uylenburch 1633 o First wife example of personal image that Rembrandt made for himself o Wanted to write as well as make the sketchy drawing symbol of their relationship Saskia as Flora 1634 o Historiated portrait combines real person with history o Holds blooming staff signifying fertility o Different from other Historiated portraits because it shows her as humble and ordinary o Drop earrings signify Venus and fancy outfit and bouquet o Later portrait of the same woman is much less youthful and beautiful and perhaps more Saskia as Flora 1635 realistic with less attractive features Rembrandt and Saskia 1635 o Unrealistic almost as if Saskia was added in after Rembrandt painted himself o Shows himself as uncouth and laughing as he has the rich Saskia taking her family s money o Prodigal son spends all his father s money parody because of Saskia s rich family Raising of the Cross 1634 o Arch photo harkens back to older formats dull in color and somber o Zoomed in by means of light on Christ and main players Christ looks human and normal o Man in a cap that looks like Rembrandt raising the cross could be an allusion to the Roman soldier who inflicted the wound of mercy to make Christ die o Artist in the role of St John means that his work represents a visual gospel because painting is Deposition from the Cross 1634 like the Bible for illiterates Christ on the Sea of Galilee 1633 o Shows followers in the moment of the doubt as the are fearful of dying even though Christ promises he will deliver them o Shows that you must be a real believer and then you won t be afraid to face peril Andromeda 1629 o Typically sexualized and shown as beautiful and naked Rembrandt shows respect for her as a woman by portraying the ugliness of what really happened and not glamourizing it o Cloak covering her was added in later to hide her nakedness A Woman Sitting Upon a Hillock 1631 o Revolutionary idea of realistic and unidealized women that look real could be a woman that has just given birth o Painter against the grain changing the audience s expectations The Abduction of Europa 1632 her naked downplays erotic potential o Antique looking dresses and setting hodgepodge of history Danae 1636 o Keeps Europa fully dressed even though the story is of her rape and therefore usually shows Arth335 Final Study Guide o King locks his daughter in a tower so she can t have a child that will overthrow him o Zeus impregnates her with Perseus with a shower of gold in bono versus in malo positive o Exemplum an example of what one should do in life vs counter exemplum what someone versus negative allegories should avoid in life Belshazzar s Feast 1635 humans need salvation The Sacrifice of Abraham 1635 artist can The Blinding of Samson 1636 o Hebrew phrase spelled out in light means thou art weigh in the balance and found wanting o Shows people failing a test of faith o Attempt of Rembrandt to show cluster of actions exotic ruler with turban o Covers Isaac s face to show that he could not capture the emotion of pure fear before death no o Shows the moment of action angel stops him right before the knife comes down o Shows gruesome and realistic action of what really happen nothing of Delilah or cutting the hair but the disgusting gouging of the eyes The Nightwatch 1642 o

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