First Exam Material Olmec o Early Formative 1500 900BC Colossal Head with Jaguar Paws San Lorenzo Deep set drilled features dimples jaguar paws on head represent a pelt ruler wore Olmec trend of recycling altars into heads belief that the soul resides in the head Abstract features individualistic features probably carved on top of wooden staff Seated on knees wears headdress with deep set features Identical figures kneeling forward grasping short staff headdress alludes to rain god Wooden Figures El Manati The Prince Hero Twins El Azuzul o Middle Formative 800 600BC Basalt Tomb La Venta Mosaic Mask La Venta Basalt sarcophagi buried in court laid out with pyramids astronomically Abstract mask buried underground tassels on chin cleft on head Ritual of hidden architecture buried at sunken north court Altar 5 La Venta Could be throne abandoned during transition to colossal head 3 dimensional figure rises from niche with limp infant in lap sign of legitimate descent or heir The Wrestler Antonio Plaza Free standing sculpture diagonal line of back individualized Offering 4 from Basalt Courtyard La Venta 6 celts and 15 jade and serpentine figures set out so one figure from base stone faces other figures from precious stones Celts placed behind mock columns could be recreation of real event offering was buried In form of an axe head made of translucent jade Were jaguar howling infant motif with squinted eyes and open toothless mouth then reburied Kunz Axe Oaxaca o Late Formative 300BC 100AD Zapotek o Monte Alban 500 200BC Ball Court Slanted walls used to bounce balls audience sat on platform at end Temple of the Danzantes Building L Slabs carved with dancers naked and mutilated with closed eyes suggests they were prisoners of war being sacrificed used to show Zapotek power Tomb 104 Ceramic figure in niche above entryway wears rain god headdress Figures attend to frontal cult images and gesture to niche to direct offering o Lambityeco 600 700AD Zapotek Classic Tomb 6 with Lord 4 and Lady 10 Heads Heads are portraits of individuals in tomb unidealized and realistic with wrinkles Names are inscribed and allusions to ball court in dress Heads framed by double scapillary niches Stucco Mask of Cocijo Rain God Mask is on entrance of elite residence thin stucco represents rain god Eyes framed with goggles and a thick plate in nose connected to lower part Palace Frieze with Stucco Figures Friezes that represent leaders male figure horizontal holding a femur pointed beard Female figure is in same position wit Zapotek ribbon hairdo o Atzompa Zapotek Tomb Pyramid 650 850AD First painted motifs in funerary context no humans just ritual of the ballgame ending in sacrifice standalone structure near Ballcourt Tomb Mural Paintings from Ballcourt Repeated black dots and I shape could be in the shape of the ballcourt Funerary Face Vase Painted ceramic likely an offering and contained human remains Zapotek Funerary Urns 200BC 800AD Found in tombs of high ranking lords powerful figures on offering vessels chest ornament represents ancestor s day in 260 day calendar Teotihuacan o Pyramid of the Sun 200AD o Pyramid of the Moon 200AD o Temple of the Feathered Serpent o Great Goddess Sculpture o Stone Masks 200 750AD o Alabaster Figure 200 750AD o Ceramic Censor 400 600AD o Old God Effigy Vase 200 750AD o Blackware Lid with Owl 650 750AD o Ceramic Host Figures with Figurines 750AD o Frescoed Tripod Vessels 550 650AD o Tlalocan Mural Paintings of Great Goddess 400 700AD Classic Veracruz o El Tajin 600AD Pyramid of the Niches Sacrificial Relief on South Ballcourt Decapitated Ballplayer o Reptile Toad Yoke o Palma Bird Figure o Seated Figure or Ballplayer o Fire God Seated Figure o Figure with Rattle Les Remojadas Second Exam Material Mayan Preclassic 800BC 250AD o Guatemala Izapa Stone and Altar 300 100BC Shows transition to Mayan style Leiden Plaque 320AD Jade celt that refers to the rule of a king and a specific date o El Mirador El Mirador Staircase 300BC 150AD Double register and four indents with decorative heads framed by stucco masks of jaguar gods or gods of the underworld o Kaminaljuyu Stela II Warrior in Bird Costume 250 BC Large headdress and costume with feathers warrior or deity supernatural figure descending from top of stone El Baul and La Democracia Colossal Heads Monte Alto 300BC 300AD Reminiscent of San Lorenzo heads closed eyes no helmet or iconography face is puffy and swollen depicting someone deceased Classic 250 900AD o Tikal Temple of the Great Jaguar 250 600 9 levels make it a Mayan Icon because of the 9 levels of Mayan underworld Has roof cone to enlarge the structure vertically would have had stucco connecting levels Temple II 300 900 Short three levels with roof cone burial place for ruler s wife perhaps Corbel vault supports roof comb only suitable over narrow spaces Curl Nose from Teotihuacan 425 Tikal attacked by Teotihuacan throne in front of structure was a real person with glyph of name on it free standing relief sculpture Curl nose s son ruler in profile in elaborate ritual attire with accompanying hieroglyphs Shows imperfects and drooping eyes would have been worn by dead who resembled it Cylindrical vases with human heads on top found in Temple I could be young maize god Stormy Sky 445 Jade Funerary Mask Jade Funerary Vessels or ruler Fire God Censor 340 Lord of the underworld shown as old and toothless sitting on stool of femurs severed head in hands and has head spout for incense burning Maya Bird Bowl 500 Wooden Man of Tikal 500 Tripod vessel body is bowl fish is in mouth funerary theme relates to afterlife Kneeling posture wearing sarong and collar could be a ruler o Quirigua Stela D Frontal depicture of a ruler with detailed multiple headdresses Zoomorph P the Great Turtle Religious political ruler on back seated with glyphs could have been used as a throne o Copan Reconstruction of Rosalila 571 Building with painted red exterior and sculpture reliefs of gods in headdresses on the outside scroll motifs and swirls on registers Hieroglyph Staircase 700s Built by Ruler 13 as a commemoration slight talud tablero Bacab from Temple II 600 900 Shows imperfections and wrinkles with toothless mouth wears some kind of headdress Torch Bearer 762 Monkey looking man stands frontally with legs crouched to the sides Ball Court with Macaw Markers 600 900 Talud tablero ballcourt with macaw markers on tableros Similar to Monte Alban ballcourts Altar Q 600 900 Cross legged figures wearing
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