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Introduction to Public Relations Journalism 2000 Dr Nesbit Public Relations free ish advertising o Grumpy cat famous o Miley Cyrus His owner just put his face out their and all of a sudden he s Her being weird is her way of getting people to talk about her This wasn t an accident Miley isn t crazy this is PR o Public relations is not aimed at everyone It usually has an audience o Public Relations is NOT advertising It s more about day to day maintance Public Relations people are not always thought of as being the most ethical people o A lot of times PR is used as a way to clean up messes B P Oil Spill o There can be a good side to PR Tide goes out and does people s laundry after natural disasters People see this on the news and think they are good people That is PR Comprehensive Stratagy o All publicity is good publicity Even if Miley Cyrus is going crazy at least we are talking about her PR is about planning for the worst PR has to be more flexible than advertising because things can explode in an instant o How I met Your Mother had an offensive episode on a Monday and by Wednesday night there was a formal apology from the producer Sometimes publicity IS bad publicity o Lululemon Most 20th Century PR is about consumerism The greatest invention of the last millennium was the printing press o This gave people the ability to spread knowledge everywhere Edward Bernays o Father of PR o Promoted America Made them look good during the war and after he realized that he could use propaganda in times of peace PR was born o Torches of Freedom smoking cigarettes he knew the press would be there if he said women would be this was a major publicity stunt that got women to smoke o He created the idea that if you do this you will feel better about yourself o He came up with the idea of branding and buying stuff you don t need This idea didn t exist until Edward Bernays People didn t have enough money to do this but when people started having more money they decided it was a good idea to start spending money on things they didn t need o Politics started become involved with PR because Bernays convinced celebrities to go to the whitehouse o PR started off as being all about appealing to desires which is basically what it is today

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UNT JOUR 2000 - Public Relations

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