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Nutrition November 16 2013 CHAPTER 6 LIPIDS Short fatty acids chin has less than 8 carbons Lipids are water insoluble do not mix hydrophobic do not like water 9 calories per gram Optimal health no one should have a fat free diet Major lipids fatty acids triglycerides phospholipids sterols and fat soluble vitamins Medium fatty acids chain 8 12 carbons Long fatty acid chains 12 26 carbons The longer the chain the more digestion needs to occur Unsaturated fats have at lease one double bond Table 6 1 familiar with common name ad food sources Know omega 3 s and omega 6 s Palm oil and coconut oil not healthy for you Linoleic acids nuts corn sunflower Linolenic acid Elongate carbon chain increase number of double bonds Eicosanoids are chemical messengers they direct physiological functions of the essential fatty Short fatty acids have a low melting point long chains have a higher melting point acids Prostaglandins are eicosanoids o Fish regulate blood pressure and dilation of blood vessels Deficiency of essential fatty acids Primary way ppl hospitalized not getting adequate nutrition need nutritional support do not feel good secondary reasons why ppl will develop essential fatty acid deficiency illnesses cystic fibrosis essential fatty acid deficiency is rare it is store I adipose tissue it is stored as fat Dietary sources o epa and dha salmon halibut tuna o Saturated fatty acids coconut oil palm oil eggs o PUFAs o MUFA S LIPOSE hormones that helps break down fat Lipases define when can Lipogenesis stimulates storage of triglycerides insulator and protector of our organs Phospholipids they have a phosphate November 20 2013 Sterols multi ring structures and they are free of fatty acids Cholesterol is made in the liver The Lipoproteins circulating in our body Want HDL as high elevated as possible All other lipoproteins low as possible HDL s have lowest lipid to protein ration reverse cholesterol transport Lipoproteins are hydrophobic packaged in milomicrons Lipoproteins transport lipids in the blood o Detrimental and beneficial effect Obesity plays a major risk in heart disease Heart disease slowing or obstruction of blood flow Men and women experience heart attacks differently Angioplasty surgery die that is used some people are allergic to it can cause allergic reaction Starting on stages of prenatal growth and development and critical periods for organ formation and kidneys can shut down LDL desirable number is less than 100mg dL Cholesterol level desirable number is less than 200mg dL HDL level you want that number to be 60mg dL or higher Elevated triglyceride levels caused by alcoholics or diabetes December 4 2013 Hypertension blood pressure 120 80 normal Chapter 14 Any infant 5lbs 8oz considered low birth weight Know how much wight you gain at each pregnancy Healthy diet prego o 175g of carbohydrates per day o protein should increase by 25g o fat intake stays same 20 35 of calories o macronutrient vitamins must take your vitamins o no smoking lactation o alveoli cluster of milk producing cells o Mammary ducts transport to the milk to the nipple o Hormones activated during pregnancy Prolactin stimulates production of milk Oxytocin stimulates milk to the mammary glands Feed your baby every 2 hours Colostrum most antibodies in it Nutritional need for infants breast feed for at least 1st year of life o One part powder one part water Baby formula 20 calories per ounce Breast milk 20 calories per ounce Breast milk modified powder you add to breast milk higher in calories Breast milk banks moms store berast milk for other ppls babys

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