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Exam 2 Thursday 3 6 in class The exam will consist of 25 multiple choice questions 2 pts each 50 pts 15 points short answer 10 points short essays Total 75 points Pay close attention to recommendations regarding research methodology or the pros and cons of various approaches discussed in class This is what you need to know for the exam 2 20 14 2 20 14 Provide an example of a semi structured observation Observe family subsystems I e o Couple discussion 10 min o Triadic mom dad baby interactions 5 10 min o Mother baby interactions 5 10 min o Father baby interactions 5 10 min Describe the Lausanne Trilogue Play observational technique One expecting parent plays with baby Other expecting parent plays with baby Both play together with baby Baby sleeps and couple talks This has predictive validity o Actually does predict what it will be like once the baby comes Describe interobserver reliability and the process used to achieve it When observers rate the same people or behavior their ratings should agree strongly Most important when the observers are rating complex behaviors o i e warmth or corporation Tricky because o Can take 3 6 months of training and must keep checking for coder drift Define triangulation and know why it is important for observational research Use of 2 measures to measure the same variable Same results from different measures means more confident of validity o Important because it is a check for observational research I e surveys and observations Understand different ways of measuring child behavior Ask a parent or teacher Observe the child Ask the child but not babies Be able to describe benefits drawbacks of parent teacher reports and observations including the role of social desirability bias and negative bias Benefits They know the child well and have seen the child in diverse enviroments situations Teachers have a comparison group other students Drawbacks It s cheap and easy Social desirability bias o When a person responds a certain way interview or self report or behaves a certain way observation because they think that is how they are supposed to act answer according to society I e a parent might respond positively to all questions about their child s behavior because they don t want the researchers to think poorly of them Negative bias o When a participant repsonds negatively to survey question even when the negative reposnse isn t accurate I e depressed mothers respond negatively because they tend to interupurt everything more negatively I e negative bias from a teacher towards a student if the teacher doesn t like the student Parents may not have comparison group Describe Mangelsdorf et al 2000 s argument about why observations and reports of children s behavior often don t agree Parents report their children both objectively and subjectively Reporters don t see the child in the same situations The behaviors are not easily observable

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