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CAS 100A PENN STATE UNIVERSITY INSTRUCTOR DAVID J WEINERT JOHNSTONE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS CHAPTER 5 SPEECH PREP PROCESS LIBRARY RESEARCH 1 Johnstone begins the chapter discussing among other things speech purposes In an earlier discussion we talked about the importance of having a goal when doing a speech In this case however the author introduces a more complex theory involving psychological effects Briefly explain the production of the audience responses is the purpose of the speech 2 In review identify the general purposes of an informative persuasive and motivational speech informative to foster an understanding and educate on a topic persuasive to persuade or to persuade or psychologically change the way one views my topic motivational to motivate individuals to take some sort of action 3 In an informative speech are persuasive techniques normally used In a persuasive speech are informative techniques used Is it difficult to make sharp distinctions usually you will not it is merely storytelling yes you want people to support believe your thesis 4 What are some great ways to find a speech topic for this course watch the news 5 Discuss a few things one needs to keep in mind when selecting a speech topic personal passion audience centered time parameters 6 In your own words what is audience analysis know as much as possible about your audience 7 Provide simple one sentence thesis statements for a problem policy and motivational speech using the SAME TOPIC 8 List six sources of supporting material used as evidence in a speech books reference materials periodicals websites 9 Briefly describe some questions one should consider when evaluating Internet evidence using google is not academic research 1 who set up the website 2 are the people who ve written the info educated 3 what is the purpose of this site 4 are there sources to prove whats being said 5 can the info be verified else where 10 When considering main ideas for a speech compare and contrast dependent and independent ideas about 3 5 main ideas 11 Let us take a look now at the handout s for thesis statements formal citation and plagiarism

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