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Midterm 1 Study Guide PSYCH 2333 STUDYING HUMAN SEXUALITY What is human sexuality Looking at all aspects of humans as sexual beings What does the word sex mean o Our answers reflect Personal experiences issues and understanding Behaviors Intercourse PVI penile vaginal intercourse Feelings Biological 1920 s sexy horny Experiencing your own sexuality Personal sexual philosophy o Emotions knowledge o Develops across lifespan o Influenced by morals and values Socialization What you know may be wrong o Socially constructed ideas Cunt What people have thought through the ages Prehistoric sexuality o Artifacts Venus figures Represent healthy fertile women Generating life and feeding that life Falic symbols Incest taboo All cultures have this taboo No sex with people you re related to Native American spirituality o Did not view nudity or sexuality as shameful came with Christians o Accepting of developmental sexuality o Polygamous o Very little prostitution or rape o Gender Essences male and female one essence other body two spirits seen as more esteemed for having both male Early Chinese Culture and female o Spirit and sexuality are linked o Yin female seen as unlimited but yan male could run out o During sexual intercourse a man could obtain yin The best way was through female orgasm Greeks and Romans o Greeks viewed gods as voracious appetites Viewed as pansexual Could be animals men women both Etc Pederasty No labeling of orientation Male male sex when approved of Viewed as an honor Women viewed as property Prostitution and same sex marriage occurred o Romans Family was seen as the center of society Pederasty was frowned upon Fallatio direct Oral sex with a man Cunalingus direct Oral sex on a woman Fornication social construct Dirty sinful sex Prostitutes met under arch forne o Judeo Christian morality Hebrews Sex is between married people Joyful bonding rewarding Adultery was shameful Marriage was about money and property Divorce was ok Especially if one could not have sex with the other Christian Negative restrictive view of sexuality All sex is sinful Hierarchy of sinfulness Celibacy Sex within marriage only for childbearing Divorce was outlawed All types of sex are taboo Protestant Victorian Era Sex can be rewarding Lift on the ban to celibacy Idea of sex being shameful Named for queen victoria repression of sexuality ejaculation was dangerous robs them of vitality women have sexual anesthesia widespread belief that women don t like sex women have few rights worked in the field or home chaperoning rule o women need to be followed calling card o men come to door hand card to person who answers door women can receive the card or say no thank you never actually have to say to his face if accepted they all sit together and have tea date after 3 4 dates you are allowed to go to the park after park ice cream you are engaged so sex is allowed Dressing women very sexually EXCEPT length corset bussell dress had to touch floor no ankles Prostitution was at an all time high Rise of pornography Women at doctors When having a baby o Curtain o Did not look at woman s parts during childbirth Pelvic hyperemia o Treatment manual vulvar massage o Invent protable massage NOT falic shaped o Vibrator was 5th electric device in the home Havelock Ellis Wrote and encyclopedia of sexuality Sexual anesthesia as wrong Sexual desires in women natural homosexuality naturally occurring o Oscar wilde trial Start of homophobia Richard vo Krafft EBing Treatment of sexual conditions o Psychopathia Sexualis Case studies of odd sexual behavior Became disorders Sigmund Freud Alfred Kinsey Sex a primary motivating force After the rest First large scale studies of sexual behavior DEVELOPMENTAL SEXUALITY Sex vs Gender Sex o Biologically determined We hold a dichotomous view Gender o Psychological identity Based on biology personality culture tradition Biology Prenatal differentiation o Conception Zygote Variations in Biological Sex Klinefelter Syndrome o XXY extra X 23 pairs chromosomes 23rd pair sex chromosomes XX for females XY for males Symptoms not always shown 1 500 1000 males physical attributes lack hair broad shoulders develop breasts some feminine and some male characteristics higher risk for taller and heavier than men auto immune disorders breast cancer osteoporosis Low fertility Learning problems Reading and writing 1 2000 2500 female births physical signs Turner Syndrome o X0 webbed neck puffy hands and feet no secondary sexual development no breasts very short 4 7 higher rate of hearing problems kidney and heart abnormalities non functioning ovaries sterile Learning disabilities Math and spatial intelligence Biology Prenatal Hormonal Influence rats o Organizing vs activating influences Organizing type of behaviors Activating frequency of behaviors o Feminization Masculinization Hormones lead to tendencies toward sex typical behavior o De feminization De masculinization Decreasing tendencies Hormones and Sexual Differentiation o Males embryonic testes produce androgens Testosterone male duct system inside Dihydrotestosterone DHT male external genitalia Antimullerian Hormone AMH prevents female duct system o Females default system low androgens develop female o Changing hormones changes behavior even biological sex is not neatly dichotomous Intersexuality Sexual anatomy neither completely male or female o XY with external female genitalia o XX with external male genitalia o Ambiguous genitalia Should we surgically correct ambiguous genitalia Strongly against cosmetic do not do surgery unless life threatening Hormonal Variations Androgen insensitivity syndrome o Complete AIS XY but insensitive to androgens Female external genitalia No duct system Usually raised as girls May be hyper feminized because of estrogen Tend to have Taller Athletic build Enlarged breasts Small amounts of hair under arm pubic Flawless completion No baldness Sterile Diagnosed and puberty of after Female gender identity Hines 2003 Compared to XX women No differences personality and behaviors o Partial AIS Some sensitivity to androgens Less sensitive more AIS symptoms Ambiguous genitalia at birth Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia o Too much androgen prior to birth and throughout life o In boys Not very many signs at birth May appear to enter puberty early No differences in gender typed behavior o In girls features Masculinized external genitalia some male like May experience developmental male features and disruption of menstruation at

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OSU PSYCH 2333 - Midterm 1 Study Guide

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