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Psych Midterm Review 2 yerkes Dodson law t f people perform better under high stress false Moderate levels will produce optimal results comprehension precedes production children can understand language before they can produce it proactive vs retroactive Pro old info gets in the way of new info Ex Semester switch with new numbers Retroactive new info makes it hard to recall old info Ex Driving a stick shift going back to automatic Knowledge of stick shift interferes with the knowledge of the manual car Assimilation vs accommodation assimilation is absorbing new experiences into existing schemas NOT altering schemas Ex You know what a dog is not a cat call the cat a dog Not altering just adding something new Manipulating experience accomodation actually do alter schema Ex Know what a dog is not a cat Parents correct you and you now have a new schema for cat practice questions giving candy after cleaning the room example of operant conditioning because there is a reward involved for the consequence of her cleaning the room giving spanking after she doesn t clean positive punishment Positive in terms of adding something to dituation Schedules of Reinforcement car salesman gets paid every time he sells a car ratio fixed at work you get paycheck at the end of every month fixed interval parents attend to crying child sometimes after 3 min sometimes after 5 min variable interval slot machines variable ratio Partial Reinforcement not reinforcing every time that it happens takes longer to intitially learn but slower to extinct latent learning not directly observable Procedural memory Episodic your life semantic facts of the world Technique of implanting false memories suggestive memory technique Ex Disney world bugs bunny Smallest unit of language phoneme Sounds with no meaning Syntax word order and rule of arrangement Extralinguistic info facial expressions hand gestures ect Gene expression has a gene but it has to be turned on through her environment Ex Anxiety gene turned on through car accident Four stages Sensorimotor pre operational concrete formal Zone of proximal zone inbetween where the child is somewhat independent but is still getting the amount of help that they need Theory of mind doesn t realize that her mom doesn t understand the same info that she knows Theory of emotion biological James Lange heartbeat increasing Cannon Bard emotions and physiological would happen at the same time Two factor theory undifferientied state of arousal want to explain it so you attribute it to an accurance one within us or in our environment Field through his own view Observer memory seeing it through your own eyes Observer memory is proof that memory is reconstructive Generativity you can produce an infinite number of sentences with the languages Primary emotions that are universal Equilibrium homeostasis Fat people internal external theory Theories of Emotion two main cognitive differ in whether thoughts come first or second Lange we don t know what the emotion is until we interrpert our bodies response Physical physiological reaction dictates the emotion that we experience Somatic Marker use the gut reaction to help us determine how we act Not interpreting based on the reaction Behaving as a result of gut reaction Cannon Bard an emotion provoking event leads to emotion and bodily reactions SIMULTANEOUSLY As the physical response you are also having the emotion Twofactor undifferentiated state of arousal an attribution of that emotion

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OSU PSYCH 1100 - Midterm

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