Lecture Notes Know the definition of stigma and be able to give an example of the three types o Stigma is a mark of shame disgrace or disapproval that results in discrimination An individual group is rejected o Three types of stigma Abominations of the body various physical deformities Blemishes of individual character unnatural passions weak will domineering rigid beliefs mental disorder etc Tribal stigma race nation and religion Know the difference between humanization and objectification o Humanization o Objectification Focus on the stigmatized other as a unique and worthy individual like you consider yourself Downplay the stigmatized other s individual and focus on our assumptions of them or their group Know the difference between master auxiliary status traits o Master status traits Characteristics that once known evoke automatic assumptions about a person o Auxiliary status traits Assumptions about other characteristics that are evoked by the master status trait Understand what identity standards are and the difference between required and desired identity standards o Identity standards are the many ways we are expected to behave appear and feel based on a social position or role we happen to occupy o Required vs Desired Required identity standards are necessary for a specific role Parent required to put their child first feed them clothe them house them Desired identity standards are things that aren t necessarily required but according to your definition it is needed to meet that role Students desire to graduate Be able to define what discreditable and discredited mean in terms of stigma o Discreditable Stigma o Discredited Stigma Stigma is hidden from some or most Must manage their personal information Stigma is known visible public Must manage situational tension Know and be able to give examples of stigma management techniques Deviant limits social interactions and relationships to avoid situations in which a stigma may loom large Efforts taken by the discreditable person to appear normal o Insulating o Passing o Covering Walter White Efforts taken by the discredited possible Blind people wearing glasses person to be treated as normally as Know what courtesy stigma is they are once was o Courtesy stigma occurs when who someone associates with can discredit who Tendency for stigma to be spread from the beholder to people associating with the beholder Be able to explain social distancing and colluding and give examples of both o Social distancing Occurs when normals avoid or terminate contact with stigmatized individuals Getting rid of JoePa statue o Colluding cover Occurs when normals help a stigmatized individual insulate pass or JoePa and the administration covering up the Sandusky incidents Know the assumptions of the positivist perspective o Deviance is Absolute mala in se Certain things are bad deviant in and of themselves no matter what we call or label them Wrong because it s wrong not because it is prohibited constructionist theory o Deviance is Objective What is deviant is universal it doesn t matter where it is Deviant people can be studied objectively like observable objects o Deviance is Deterministic Deviance is caused by forces beyond an individuals control Understand how relativist constructionist perspectives are different than absolutist positivist perspectives o It basically comes down to determinism what determines if someone will be deviant or not Constructionist perspective believes that society is what determines whether or not someone will be deviant Constructionist is more concerned with how norms are constructed how sanctions are applied how people are labeled as deviant etc Concerned with why deviance is labeled as deviant Positivist perspective believes that deviance is real observable and determined by factors and forces Know the different definitions of anomie and or strain Durkheim Merton Agnew o Durkheim Definition of Anomie Strain Anomie normlessness We don t know how to behave there are no norms to guide behavior so anomie normlessness deviance o Merton Definition of Anomie Strain Anomie gap between means ends Don t have the proper means to meet the desired ends so a gap occurs which causes train the individual must reduce strain so they adapt to the anomie which leads to deviance o Agnew Definition of Anomie Strain Deviance is caused by strain experienced in our social relationships everyday lives Some situation event that provokes an emotional response affect it is how we respond to this strain that is or isn t deviant More focused on the individual Understand the different between structural and individual sources of anomie strain o Structural strain occurs as a result of broader economic and or social factors o Individual strain results from personal life experiences that impact a particular Macro level person or several people Micro level Be able to give examples of both macro and micro level strains o Macro level poverty race ethnicity income o Micro level death in a family diagnosed with cancer Walter White Know and be able to give examples of Merton s 5 modes of adaptation o Conformity o Ritualism Person accepts both cultural goals and institutional means methods of attaining them Merton suggests that most individuals even those who do not have easy access to the means and goals remain conformists Person rejects cultural goals accepts institutional means methods Employ the method or means but don t really aim to reach the goal you re just going through the ritual of following the methods o Innovation This individual goes through the motions of getting an education and working hard yet is not committed to the goal of accumulating wealth or power Person accepts cultural goals but rejects the institutional means methods of attaining them Innovation the mode of adaptation most associated with criminal behavior explains the high rate of crime committed by uneducated and poor individuals who do not have access to legitimate means of achieving the social goals of wealth and power o Retreatism o Rebellion Person rejects cultural goals and rejects institutional means methods of attaining them The retreatist withdraws or retreats from society and may become an alcoholic drug addict or vagrant Person creates new goals and new means of attaining them Cults For example rebels may use social or political activism to replace the goal of personal wealth with the goal of social justice and equality Understand the process of structural strain o
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