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Vaslav Nijinsky 1889 1950 o Outstanding dancer o First opportunity to choreograph with Diaghilev o Shocked audiences with his ballets The Afternoon of the Fawn and The Rite of Spring o Included themes of death and sex o Parallel asymmetrical heavy o Deemed mad term for mental illness Anna Pavlov 1881 1931 o Principal dancer o Beautiful and dramatic dancing o The Dying Swan choreographed by Fokine her most famous role o Toured the world with her own company as soloist too o One of the most famous ballerinas in history George Balanchie 1904 1983 o Russian trained dancer Ballet Russes with Diaghilev o Invited to NYC by Lincoln Kirstein o Established school SAB and 4 successive companies New York City Ballet NYCB 1948 in existence today at Lincoln Center o Sophisticated use of music plotless ballets and minimal costume and set design o Even years after his death he is still considered at the forefront of today s choreographers Contemporary Ballet Principal dancer with George Balanchine o 1972 developed his own company The Dance Theatre o African Americans performed classical contemporary of Harlem ballet o Still in existence in NYC tours the world o Advocacy through the arts

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