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New Anthropology Clicker Questions 1 What is phenotypic plasticity The ability of a genotype to generate multiple phenotypes 2 T F phenotypic plasticity fits within traditional Darwinian evolutionary theory True 3 Humans are descended from chimps false 4 What is the foramen magnum The hole at the bottom of the skull where the spinal cord comes out 5 What is the significance of foramen magnum shows if it was a quadruped or bipedal 6 Grated dorsiflexion is necessary for which activity climbing trees 7 Humana s can dorsiflex their ankles 20 degrees but chimps can dorsiflex their ankles 45 degrees 8 Did Lucy have a brain size like chimp or human Like a chimp 9 Lucy had an ankle like a human or chimp Human 10 Each bipedal step involves around 200 different muscles 11 2 million years ago there were approximately 6 bipedal specials on earth most died off 12 Which of the following is not a likely social consequence of agricultural subsistence strategy More cooperation 13 In which type of societies are you likely to find people with worse health Agricultural societies 14 In which type of society are you likely to see the least variation in health Foraging societies 15 Variation in phenotype is due to phenotypic plasticity is the result of environmental factors 16 Foods with least time to adapt to Heavily processed foods 17 Is BMI by itself likely to be a good indicator of health No 18 Which individual should be best adapted to storing fat Human female 19 What is the role of insulin in the body Signal fat cells to uptake glucose from the bloodstream 20 Which of these factors is not likely to decrease your risk of diabetes Eating a low fat diet 21 Life history theory is based on the premise that organisms have finite energy to spend on these three investments maintenance growth and reproduction 22 Which of the three investments increases future reproductive success Growth and maintenance 23 Mating effort parenting effort offspring quality offspring quantity are all examples of energy investments into reproduction X 24 If the risk of dying is high which of the investment strategies is better Investing in offspring now 25 If offspring risk of dying is high which is a better investment strategy Investment heavily in offspring quantity 26 If the risk of dying is LOW which investment strategy is better Investing heavily in future reproduction 27 If offspring risk of dying is LOW which investment strategy is better Investing heavily in offspring quality 28 The characteristics of slow development and long lifespan imply relatively heavily investment into growth and maintenance 29 Which of the following individuals should have a longer juvenile period Individuals with a low risk of dying at any given time 30 Primates invest more heavily in future reproduction compared with other mammals Humans invest more heavily in future reproduction compared with other primates 31 Under what conditions would natural selection lead to the evolution of large brains When the costs of big brains are less than the benefits 32 Reduction in fertility rates has always directly followed a reduction in mortality 33 According to which hypothesis is the strategy of fewer children more adaptive than more children Lineage preservation 34 Not sure if the staircase is an adaption but a bug what does he mean by bug A byproduct or a mistake 35 How does Haidt think that religious tendencies evolved Tendencies beneficial to individuals in groups composed of individuals with similar tendencies 36 Does Haidt s form of group selection require altruism No 37 When biologists refer to a strategy what are they referring to Refers to a set of behaviors or physiological responses occurring in a specific functional context shaped by natural selection 38 Which of the following is NOT a likely consequence if having offspring with larger brains Greater number of offspring overtime 39 For which social structure would you expect to see the greatest sexual dimorphism in size One male multi female 40 What is the consequence of males investing more in parenting More female competition larger testes size answer was D all of the above 41 Which of the following is not a trait that men prefer women compete to project and is associated with reproductive potential Large eyes

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UA ANTH 170C1 - New Anthropology Clicker Questions

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