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Dance as an Art form lecture 2 18 Romantic Ballet 19c Woman o See as fragile physically mentally emotionally o Object protected and desired by man o Over sexuality mental illness o Slowly gaining rights ex vote property child custody o During this period a woman s main role was to be an object to be desired by men Took place approximately 1830 1850 However were created through the 1870s and are still performed today These ballets were only being showed for monarchy but after revolution everyone got to see these dances This changed society s perspective giant change in mindset Ballet was no longer supported by the monarchy but shown in commercial theatres French Revolution 1789 1799 Romanticism Characterized by emphasis on imagination and emotions Man Creator and choreographer and teacher protector hero introspective Woman Muse and Dancer and performer on a pedestal supernatural enchantress spiritual and expressive Woman is always portrayed in these dances as unattainable but the man desires her ery much Began raising and lowering curtains so that the scenery could be changed Important Innovations Gas Lighting Wires to suspend dancers and trap doors White bell shaped romantic tutus typically white Rise of the female dancer Pointe shoes Pointe Shoes By the 1830s female dancer begins to develop into the ballerina that we see today It takes up to four years for a dancer to go en pointe depending on ankle strength foot arch and technique Satin Ribbon elastic lamb s wool toe pads toe separators pedicure kit stitch kit rosin La Sylphide Composer jean Schneithoeffer Choreographer Filippo Taglioni Author Adolphe Nourrit Premiere March 12th 1832 Paris Opera Paris 2 Act Ballet 1832 Performing Filippo Taglioni Marie Taglioni

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