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Week 5 Love Sternberg s Triangular Theory Intimacy warmth support etc Passion arousal and desire Commitment devoting oneself to a relationship Sternberg s 4 Pure Love Experiences Non love no components present Liking Infatuation Empty Love Consummate Love Arousal Equal in intimacy passion and commitment This is what everyone seeks Easy to start Difficult to maintain over time Misattribution we can attribute our arousal to the wrong source o Excitation Transfer a lot of arousal by one stimulus a little by a second We ignore stimulus 1 View 2 as main source which it is not Can lead to fear fueling attraction EX o Response Facilitation theme park first date arousal is present Our predominant response is energized EX laughing when you are scared Companionate Love Type of love based on o Spouse is best friend o Liking spouse as a person Friendship can also be confused with sexual arousal passion o Passion based love marriage o Friendship based love marriages that last Styles of loving Eros Ludus Storge Agape Pragma Basis for erotic love at first sight physical in nature uncommitted and fickle many partners at once seek genuine friendships that lead to commitment giving altruistic and treats love as a duty practical and pragmatic logic governs Does Love Last Complex question due to o Different types of love o Romantic feelings decline over time Why doesn t romantic love last Fantasy Dissipates Novelty disappears novelty leads to sexual arousal Coolidge Effect Arousal fades the brain may habituate to high levels of natural stimulant What does the future hold Many couples don t see the decline o Loss of Magic Companionate love keeps couples together not compassionate love

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KSU HDFS 24011 - Sternberg’s Triangular Theory

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