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Sexual exploration is encouraged Sleep crawling boys come to hut to have sex at Sexual Problems and Solutions Being careful of labels Inis Beag vs Mangaia o Inis beag o Mangaia Very victorian Sexual Dysfunctions night How many people 2 dimensions to evaluate o desire o excitement arousal o orgasm Causes biological o medical conditions o drug effects o fatigue psychological o Duration lifelong vs acquired o Context generalized vs situational 3 categories clusters of problems o anxiety worry guilt stress fear environment o sexually repressive o trauma Treatment of Sexual dysfunctions Sensate Focus o Mutual pleasing exercises o Focus on sensuality not sex Directed Masturbation Effective Communication Desire Female Sexual Interest Arousal Disorder new o Reduced interest in sexual activity o Reduced or absence of sexual fantasies o Unlikely to initiate sex o May be unreceptive to partner s initiation o Reduced excitement during activity o Reduced arousal to erotic cues o Needs to induce distress and or impairment o Risk Factors Medical conditions Diabetes Genetic Most Common Negative attitudes about sex and sexuality Relationship problems Developmental history and family culture Shame and blame Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder male o Persistently reduced absent thoughts and desire for sex o Risks Mood and anxiety Feelings about self and partner interpersonal problems Gay Trauma Biological Medical Internalized homophobia Alcohol use Endocrine disorders Hypo gonadism Genital Pelvic Pain Penetration Disorder new o Persistent difficulties with Vaginal penetration Pain during intercourse or penetration Fear anxiety about pain or penetration Marked tensing of pelvic muscles during penetration Risks Sexual physical abuse Shame and blame Physiological conditions STI Urinary tract infection

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OSU PSYCH 2333 - Sexual Problems and Solutions

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