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Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Chapter 11 Media Basics Humor for Sex www nytimes com 2013 11 11 business media using humor to talk about birth control html r 0 PSA series of ads and online videos o Engage teenagers and encourage them to talk about sex and birth control o Use humor to talk about the issue o Targeted African American women age 18 29 Campaign helps prevents unplanned and unwanted pregnancies Target Consumers o Using humor as a vehicle o Target age group does not want to be lectured by parental role o Make message resonate heard humor o 7 10 pregnancies in that age group are unplanned 73 for African Americans What is campaign trying to do o Emotional empathy for pregnancies o Video testimonials branded content Target group is not aware of other contraceptives Pet Cameras http www nytimes com 2013 11 11 business media digital ad initiative gives pet owners moments to remember html ref media r 1 Branded content advertising Nature s recipe put together website o Have pet collar cameras to get vision of pet Pet parent trend pet phenomenon to treat them as children companions o Using influential pet parents o Other pet owners will listen Social media type website for pets o Pictures status Monitoring phenomenon o Tracking steps Nike Fuel o Cameras track and document pet lives Nature s recipe focusing on pet s with the website and post their own material without agency intervention o Demonstrates their understanding of pet s and owner s care over them o Taking advantage of crowd sourcing the audience can get involved Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Media Classifications Television network cable syndication spot local Hispanic Radio network national spot local Newspapers national local Hispanic Magazines consumer B2B Sunday local Hispanic international Internet online sites Outdoor Taxi art painting on roads etc Branded Entertainment Show that carries a brand name Media Mix In the beginning primary secondary research for consumer insight o What is out consumer watching o What social media is he she using o When would they want to hear from us What do we mean by media Media classification o Television radio newspaper magazine internet outdoor branded Evolution of media roles o Print era broadcast era digital era Key Media Players o Media Sellers Media salespeople media reps o Media Buyers Media researchers Media Planners Media Buyers Media Buying Companies Fundamentals of Media Strategy o Media Plan o Strategic Media Concepts o Basis for the Buy Media mix Targets and audiences Reach and frequency how many are we reaching and how often Intrusiveness Where can we show up where message will break through the clutter The Changing Media Environment Channels to contact points Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark o Packaging o Word of mouth Example and reminder of brand message From one customer to another Rely on loyal brand users to advocate for your product o Viral communication o Customer service Trying to interact with people online youtube Facebook Brand touch point chat online questions calls representatives Brand still has to be reinforced Guardian Wolf and Three Pigs Wanted to show they could keep up with stories in real time o Confronting the stereotypes about newspapers o Leadership position in news The Changing Media Environment New and Alternative Forms of Contact Guerilla Marketing Non conventional marketing Generates excitement Localized fashion Relies on time energy and imagination rather than budget Limitations o Small budget o Limited reach Product Placement Shows movies tv o Brand is paying to be placed in the normal context of a show movie Not branded content Not commercial o Unaware that you are being advertised to o You associate to the product o Less obtrusive and harder to dismiss visibility in a natural setting Pros Cons o You can easily miss it not notice it o See character you don t like endorsing brand Lowers esteem for brand in your mind o Hard to control exact targeting and effectiveness o Has to match brand s positioning Video Games Consumer must be in the mindset to hear about product Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark o Other brand content that interacts with audience and carries entertainment and information Billboards in driving games need for speed GTA Certain brands of cars NBA sprite replay o Mimic live contracts between brands Branded Entertainment Entertaining people in the name of the brand Branded content not advertisement Pros o Hard to dismiss o Takes advantage in the power of film o Opportunity for repetition How to etc Mobile Marketing Goes everywhere we go Reaches people who are technologically savvy Location based messages o Mobile opportunity Sponsored tweets stories o Oriented towards mobile Disadvantages o Viewed as a nuisance o Viewed as invasion of privacy and intrusion o Most personal technology product Branded Apps Brands are looking to us to download their apps Store locaters more customers Can now advertise directly to users Ad s convenience for payments New offering notifications etc o Must add value for customer Disadvantages o Having to pay to download Other New Media Streaming video YouTube etc

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