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Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Chapter 9 Copywriting L Or al subway machines http www nytimes com 2013 10 30 business media stand clear of closing doors protect your manicure html ref media r 0 Experiential marketing consumer can tangibly interact with a brand o Growing type of marketing Location mezzanine level of 42nd and Bryant park o A lot of holiday traffic there Tourists Ice skating Objective for L Or al o Give brand a more tangible form beyond retail shelves o Innovate experiment take risks o Brand halo effect o Fusion between retail and e tail o Statistics from the user How many people stopped How many people bought Tangibles wide range of shades products can customize to your needs o Brand is customizing to a consumer o Adapting to women s busy schedule o Mirror honor you no models billboard Because I m worth it Negative halo effect o Cutting off male market o Setting is not a place people stop often o Setting is not luxurious takes class away Four Types of Ads Where Words are Crucial Complicated message High involvement purchases Abstract qualities Information that needs definition and explanation Writing Effective Copy Succinct Single minded Specific Personal o Bare foundation of what you need to say o Focuses on communicating that one idea o People can understand it and relate idea to your brand Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark o Talking to someone not advertising at them Conversational Originality Variety o Don t have it feel like corporate speak speak to the audience o Novel new idea looking for something original o Variety of approaches Imaginative descriptions o Make it interesting to read Guidelines for Writing Radio Keep it personal be tuning out Speak to listener s interests Wake up the inattentive o Passive medium Make it memorable o A few key pints are locked in Include call to action o Radio is a personal media relationship Engage person who might o Eg morning Dunkin talks about a new latte flavor o Call to do something makes it more important Create image transfer o Usually done in television campaign where you have some equity

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