Personality define The unique constellation of traits emotions motives and behavior Ex Outgoing kind smart ect Assumption that these are consistent stable and predictable over time and situation Where does personality come from many theories Can separate by perspective many in each Perspectives are used to explain the origins of personality and the disorders also used to plan treatments cid 127 Which theory perspective is right They all have value Personality reflects unconscious forces and conflicts focus on childhood issues experience Psychodynamic Freud Jung Adler Freud s Ideas Conscious In your mind right now awareness Pre conscious Easy to think about Unconscious Unavailable 3 parts of personality Id Raw unconscious desire pleasure principle Want it now Ego Deals with reality attempts to be realistic Any Evidence Defense Mechanisms We don t like conflicts between the levels Unconsciously distort reality in order to feel better denial ext Superego Internalized moral center ego ideal cognitive standards conscience guilt or pride Behavioral Learning Later Cognitive behavioral and social learning Watson Skinner Trait Theories Personality learned responses and thought patterns comes from environmental contingencies cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 Goal identify describe important personality characteristics and predict future behavior Often called Neuroscience Biological personality 50 inherited Trait Consistent way to think feel or behave Surface traits Easily seen in actions Source traits assumed to underline surface traits form core of personality The Big Five Look for surface traits that cluster together and identify underlying reason Universal Unrelated independent Source traits Age Sex Culture No matter the bellow the same five clusters appear By definition these are independent what does that mean How might this be useful Describing Explaining Understanding Prediction Employers Mates Intervention Match teaching Therapy style to person Can have any combination of scores Can t predict one if you know another cid 127 High scores Low scores Openness imaginative independent likes variety practical routine conforming Conscientiousness organized careful disciplined disorganized careless impulsive Extraversion sociable fun loving affectionate retiring somber reserved Aggreeableness softhearted trusting helpful ruthless suspicious uncooperative Neuroticism calm secure self satisfied anxious insecure self pitying emotional stability
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