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Information and technology Information access in The Information Highway 1 Interactive enabling receivers to respond almost immediately to 2 Information Highway enables many traditional media to appear senders messages on computer screens 3 It allows individuals to create and distribute their own messages Three technological developments make todays intersection of mass media possible 1 Digital Signals 2 Microprocessors 3 Fiber optic cable By 2000 five major mapping systems existed for negotiating the internet WWW moved internet from message delivery system to mas medium Internet service providers AOL earthlink Microsoft Network Browsers Software environments that help users navigate the web Search engines help find sites Instant Messaging service User Interface refers to the junction between a medium of communication or technology and the people who use it Program a VCR navigate a web page Audience is not passive Plays much more active role in choosing content Web 1 0 digital publishing and distribution as well as the early forms of e mail communication Web 2 0 known as the new new media Includes greatly enhanced user participation via networked creativity innovation information and content sharing How to use advertising AIDA Attention Interest Desire Action Emotion Most common Excitement glamour exhileration Rationality Copy heavy Provide info Technology business Sex Men are attracted to sexual images Women are more sensual Humor Escapism Makes us feel good about ourselves Fear Strong human emotion Suffer consequences if you don t act Think prescription drug commercials Scarcity Limited availability Act now Target marketing is key when it comes to selling a product Clutter is the over abundance of ads Think Times Square Advertising is everywhere Product placement and Celebrity Testimonials Public Relations PR can be defined as helping an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other Publics Any group of individuals that a public relations program seeks to influence A public can be anything from a committee of three a firms stockholders employees customer s an entire community entire nation or world Minority relations Dealing and communicating with individuals and groups who belong to minorities Press agentry Creating news events of a transient nature often of flighty sort Media Relation Dealing with the communications media in seeking publicly or responding to their interest in the organization Media and Spin doctors Press agent press secretary media relations representative must have credibility with media Must establish solid relationships with the media sources Credibility solid relationships come from press person knowing the job of the media source Journalists make excellent media representatives Monopoly One company that dominates an entire industry Microsoft in computer operating systems Vertical Integration occurs when companies own both production and distribution facilities EX Newspaper publisher buys paper plant ink plant truck company and newsstands Best exemplified by film industry studios control revenue by owning production distribution and exhibition Horizontal Integration Occurs when media business when one company wants to sell its properties and products across diff types of media EX Television networks buys publishing business to distribute books about its programs Oligopoly Small number if companies dominate an industry Six movie studios receive 90 percent of AAF revenue Disney ABC Viacom CBS NBC Universal Corporate growth Economics of scale The savings that come with mass production Synergy Refers to any combo of forces that results in a whole that is more than the sum of its parts Cross merchandising or cross promotion is a form of synergy TV networks purchase much of their programming from movie studios Economics of media Market model Advertising and subscription free Public Sphere model media are the source of views info And entertainment Serving the public interest Bias a preference or inclination that inhibits impartiality or prejudice Prejudice an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand without knowledge of the facts

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KSU JMC 20001 - Information and technology

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