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Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Chapter 1 The New World of Marketing Communication Mentos Campaign http www nytimes com 2013 09 04 business media an old campaign learns a new song html ref media Comfort marketing using material and heritage of past brand identity in new campaign o Invokes nostalgia and reminisce and encourages to go buy product o Product feature differentiation flip Mentos into mouth with thumb Showing easy carefree optimistic personality traits Branding creating a cohesive theme for the entire campaign of the product Conde Nas Traveler Campaign http www nytimes com 2013 09 09 business media a reinvented conde nast traveler sets a new course html ref todayspaper r 0 Elevating their campaign to be more encompassing o Catered towards more high end people with refined taste Advice for travel is easily accessible o Truth in travel is not ownable anymore o Branding and positioning themselves to attract people with certain mindset Aspirational campaign the wealthy sophisticated WHAT IS ADVERTISING Advertising in its basic form is to sell a product goods services or ideas Identification Advertising identifies a product and or the store where its sold o Earliest form of ads were simply signs with the name of graphic image of store Information Advertising provides information about a product o Advances in technology spurred more print material o Possible to reach general audience literacy was not only for elite o These ads were considered news and occupied more space than actual news stories Persuasion Advertising persuades people to buy things o Industrial revolution accelerated social change and mass production o Efficiency of machinery advanced production and distribution of goods o Hype graphics and language characterized by exaggeration hyperbole Advertising Is a paid form of persuasive communication that uses mass and interactive media to reach broad audiences in order to connect an identified sponsor with buyer a target audience provide information about products goods Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark services and ideas and interpret the product features in terms of the customer s needs and wants Advertising is usually paid for by the advertiser who has a product to sell PSA s use donated space and time Advertising began as one way communication From an advertiser to a targeted audience Two way brand related communication such as word of mouth or computer generated messages sent to a company Generally reaches a broad audience of potential customers o Mass audience o Targeted groups o Direct response ability to address individual members of the audience mass media Traditional advertising message is conveyed through different kinds of o Largely nonpersonal messages o Importance of word of mouth and interactive media is increasing Personal communication rather than scripted messages Most advertising has a defined strategy and seeks to inform consumers o Makes them aware of a brand o Persuades consumers to do something Emotional or informational Is Advertising the Only Tool in the Promotional Toolkit Advertising is a 30 billion industry Driving force of marketing communication because it commands largest Marketing Communication marcom budget about a brand that appear in a variety of media refers to all forms of communication Why Advertising Advertising also has a role in the functioning of the economy and society All four functions o Marketing o Communication o Social o Economic Marketing and Communication Roles Advertising transforms a product into a distinctive brand by creating an image and personality that goes beyond straightforward product features Also creates consumer demand Makes statements that reflect social issues and trends Economic and Societal Roles Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Advertising flourishes in societies that enjoy economic abundance supply exceeds demand Exceeds beyond informational function to create a demand for a brand Advertising reaches a large group of potential consumers o Brings cost efficiencies to marketing lowers price to consumers o Demand grows price begins to drop Rational view advertising is a vehicle for helping consumers assess value through price cues and other information o Means to objectively provide price value information Emotional view appeals to consumers making a decision on nonprice emotional appeals product o Images and psychological appeals influence consumer decisions o Persuasive decreases likelihood of consumer switching to alternate Advertising roles have both negative and positive dimensions What Are the Most Common Types of Advertising Different types of advertising have different roles focuses on the development of a long term brand Brand Advertising identity and image Retail Local image for the retailer Direct Response to the seller o Rational or emotional benefits of product Focus on stimulating store traffic and creating a distinctive o Retail advertising promotes sale local stuff coupons Tries to stimulate an immediate response by the customer Advertising sent from one business to another focuses on establishing a corporate identity or winning the o Eg Subscriptions to a mailing list Business to Business B2B Institutional public over to the organization s point of view Nonprofit donations To reach customers members and volunteers and solicit o Advertising for cultural institutions or service companies Salvation Army Public Service Provides messages on behalf of a good cause o Usually created pro bono and media donates space and time Campaign A set of related ads that are variations on a theme Keep attracting the attention of the target audience HOW DID CURRENT PRACTICES AND CONCEPTS DEVELOP Advertising industry is dynamic and is affected by changes in technology media and the economic and social environment Eras and Ages Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Timeline divides the evolution of advertising into five stages The Early Age of Print Industrialization and mechanized printing spurred literacy Encouraged businesses to advertise beyond just their local place of business Objective to identify products and deliver information o Primary medium was print The Early Age of Agencies 19th century brought the beginning of what we now recognize as the advertising industry As advertisers and marketers became more concerned about creating ads that worked professionalism in advertising began to take shape o Stating an ad claim and explaining the support behind it Eventually products were given unique brand names o

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