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Analyzing Argument 03 26 2013 Aristotle s modes of proof Ethos credibility Logos logic Pathos emotion Logos rhetors make logical appeals Toulmin s model of argumentation Claim Data Warrant o Expression of a specific position the thing that the rhetor and the audience don t agree on o Evidence that the rhetor and audience agreed on o Supports claim o If they can agree on data they can agree on claim o How the data backs up the claim o Creates a relationship between the data and the claim o Data does add up to prove claim Warrants are often implied Types of claims Fact claim o Assert a relationship of cause assert that something exists or that something is happening o Ex cutting taxes leads to economic growth o Claim what needs to be proven Value claims Policy o Assert that something is good of bad fair or unfair o Overlap with evaluative claims o Ex Reaganomics is the best economic system o Congress should reinstitute reagan s economic plan first prove his plan is better and actually would lead to economic growth o Word better is a tip off Types of Data Examples serial extended Statistics Testimony experience personally acquainted expertise expert Types of Warrants Most common include Inductive o Specific to prove the general conclusion o Example Claim Cancun is the best spring break location o Data The food is cheap the best celebrities hang out there and it has the lowest death by partying rate o Warrant inductive because these three examples support the claim the claim must be true Deductive o general to the specific General principle as data draws specific conclusion o example claim fact claim Americans have the right to marry whomever they choose regardless of sex or gender o Data our legal system allows consenting adults to enter contracts freely Marriage is a contract Therefore we have agreed that adults should be able to enter their own preferred marriage contract o Warrant Sign o Use observable mark as proof if you see smoke there is fire affairs reasons from an observable sign to prove the state of claim fact the economy is improving data unemployment rates are going down warrant sign this reasoning only works if we believe that unemployment is a sign of the health of the economy if someone objects that unemployment rates are going down everywhere then the debate becomes about the data Analogical o what is true in one case will be true also in a similar case o claim fact value business would improve if Bentley s and Cornerstone added more televisions o Data Looney s has dozens of televisions o Warrant analogical this reasoning wonly works if we agree that Bentleys and Cornerstore are similar to Looney s o College Park should not have parking meters because Hyattsville does not have parking meters o o HOMEWORK Wed Read argument exercises analyze according to directions Thurs read Nixon speech take quiz before class 03 26 2013 03 26 2013

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UMD COMM 401 - Analyzing Argument

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