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What is lifespan development Studying change growth and stability throughout the lifespan It involves the study of ways in which we stay the same as well as ways we grow and change over time EDHD320 Midterm Chapter 1 Exploring Lifespan Development Lifespan Development Development Prenatal Conception to Birth Infancy and Toddlerhood birth to 2 years Early Childhood 2 to 6 years Middle Childhood 6 to 11 years Adolescence 11 to 18 years Early Adulthood 18 to 40 years Middle Adulthood 40 to 65 years Late adulthood 65 years to death Assumptions of the Lifespan Perspective Scientific empirical evidence based developmental approach that focuses on continuous human development Every period of life even in old age contains potential for growth and decline in abilities Process of development persists throughout every part of people s lives Neither heredity nor environment alone can account for the full range of human development Genes or Environment Nature inborn biological givens Nurture environmental influences Physical and social world Battle of Nature vs Nurture How much of the behavior is due to genetic factors and how much due to the environment Different ways to try to test this Animal studies butterball turkeys genetically engineered to grow faster and larger for these animals they share the same genes so they can make them all the same and put them in different environments to monitor their development to determine if environment is changing them even with identical genes Twins compare identical twins genetically identical vs non identical twins Twin adoptions identical twins who have been put up for adoption and raised in separate homes But even when placed in different homes many similarities between the homes may still exist making it impossible to determine nature vs nurture Cases in which nature may play a more important role physical attributes height weight Cases in which nurture may play a more important role morality some aspects of personality Both play important roles neither stands alone Even though you re exposed to a predisposition to be fat skinny the stuff you put into your body and the way you live your life will still play a role Research shows that neither nature nor nurture stands alone in MOST developmental matters Interaction between gene and environment is very complex Certain genetically determined traits can directly influence behavior AND indirectly influence environments Multifactorial transmission determination of traits by a combination of both genetic and environmental factors Nature vs Nurture Genetic background may orient us toward particular behaviors but those behaviors will not necessarily occur without an appropriate environment DID YOU KOW Children tend to actively focus on aspects of environment that are most connected with their genetically determined behavior and ignore aspects of the environment that are less compatible with their genes We look at the same environment differently Stage of development matters as well BOTTOM LINE most behaviors fall somewhere between the two ends Social potency a person high in this trait is masterful a forceful leader who likes to be the center of attention Traditionalism follows rules and authority endorses high moral standards and strict discipline Stress reaction feels vulnerable and sensitive and is given to worries and is easily upset Absorption has a vivid imagination readily captured by rich experience relinquishes sense of reality Alienation feels mistreated and used and that the world is out to get me Well being has a cheerful disposition feels confident and optimistic Harm avoidance shuns the excitement of risk and danger and prefers the safe route even if it is tedious Aggression is physically aggressive and vindictive has taste for violence and is out to get the world Achievement works hard strives for mastery and puts work and accomplishment ahead of other things Control is cautious and plodding rational and sensible likes carefully planned events Social closeness prefers emotional intimacy and close ties turns to other for comfort and help Multiple Forces of Influence on Development Age Graded History Graded Sociocultural Graded Non normative Influences that are similar for individuals in a particular age group Influences associated with a particular historical moment Also known as cohort effects Influences associated with social and cultural factors i e ethnicity Influences that occur through specific atypical events that are irregular and may impact very few people i e parents dying in car accidents Research Methods Week 2 Scientific Method Basics performance Three Major Steps The Scientific Method has long been discussed in class many of you are probably quite familiar with it That being said it won t hurt to review the essentials to ensure everyone has the clearest understanding of it Book definition process of posing and answering questions using careful controlled techniques that include systematic orderly observation and the collection of data Used to answer QUESTIONS researchers pose e g What are the effects of malnutrition on intellectual 1 Identify question of interest Why do more crimes occur when it is warmer out 2 Formulate an explanation something for you to test form a hypothesis People don t like being cold therefore they stay inside and keep to themselves 3 Examine findings that lend support or refute the explanation Support find that people do not like being outside when it s cold Refute find that people are more irritable when hot and sweaty which actually makes them likelier to commit a crime One must form a theory when using the Scientific Method Theory broad explanation and prediction about phenomena of interest Ex When it is cold outside people like to stay inside Ex When it is hot outside people tend to get irritable Ex class related The crucial bonding period between parent and child occurs immediately after birth We all have different theories about people and events in our lives XXX always puts other girls down and likes to draw attention to herself because she feels insecure about the way she looks Hypothesis A prediction stated in a way that permits it to be tested Derived from a theory I E People commit more crimes in warm weather rather than in cold weather Why is the scientific method important Helps us systematically answer very important questions with actual evidence not just based on personal testimonials or speculations Why is research important Why do we

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UMD EDHD 320 - Midterm

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