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EDHD 320 study guide exam 3 Format Multiple Choice True False Fill in the Blank Short Answers Chapters 9 Emerging Adulthood Chapter 10 Young Adulthood Chapter 11 Middle Adulthood Chapter 13 Death and Afterlife Ch 9 Emerging Adulthood 18 25 years old 5 characteristics of emerging adulthood cultural variation ARNETT o Instability emerging adults encounter complications along the way and they revise it such as changing majors partners jobs etc o Identity exploration continually trying out different options to find out who you are and who you would like to become in terms of finding a suitable romantic partner or career etc o Self focused focusing on yourself and your personal needs because you tend to delay significant adult responsibilities such as marriage and parenthood and exercise freedom without your parents governing you o Feeling in between emerging adults are torn because they don t feel that they meet all the above 3 criteria yet but do feel that they are more independent and mature than when they were adolescents o Possibilities they hold very optimistic views of the future and truly believe they will accomplish their dreams and overcome past circumstances in an effort to become the person they want to be because there are so many opportunities to do so Post Formal Thinking Process of integrating various points of view to develop knowledge and understanding Helps with multiple choice question tests Dualistic thinking situations and issues as polarized Pragmatism logical thinking to practical real life constraints Dialectical thought no clear solution two opposing points of view each have merit Reflective judgment evaluation of accuracy and coherence of arguments Multiple Thinking awareness of duplicity Relativism compare merits of competing views Commitment commit to certain viewpoint Tertiary Education around the world Japan relaxed and undemanding in university years 4 years of sanctioned activities to think Europe no general education 6 years studying specific discipline US Canada two years of general education allows time for exploration 4 6 years to complete Identity Development theories Erikson vs Marcia cultural variation Ethnic identity Cohabitation most common in U S Canada and Europe America unstable short Cohabitation more likely from divorced families before marriage is linked with higher likelihood of divorce Ch 10 Young Adulthood Characteristics of young adults cultural variation Physical signs of aging hair turns gray or gets thin wrinkles spots where skin and other body parts begin to sag Expertise and creativity Sternberg s Triangular Theory of Love Intimacy Which encompasses feelings of attachment closeness connectedness and bondedness Passion Which encompasses drives connected to both limerence and sexual attraction Commitment Which encompasses in the short term the decision to remain with another and in the long term the shared achievements and plans made with that other Love what we look for in a partner how it changes over time economics Being single as adults Marriage and Divorce cultural and ethnic variations Same Sex Couples Parenting Parenting and Marriage Becoming a parent Traditional countries Becoming a parent is extremely important Fertility is the goal of a woman o Acceptance by community and family Men enjoy greater status Developed countries Parenting is a choice o may not be extremely important Parents more likely to be on their own o ethnic group differences Parenting and Marital Relationship Traditional cultures o Gender roles are well defined o Parenting fits the defined roles Developing countries o Gender roles less defined o Women more likely to have Household duties Childcare duties Marital satisfaction Ch 11 Middle Adulthood age 35 65 Physical Development of Middle Adulthood Hearing Vision Menopause o Vision Declines o Hearing Declines Rods light dark detection and Cones colors diminish in numbers Decrease by by age 60 High pitched sounds difficult to hear Cilia hair in the ear thins out o Vision Decline Hearing Decline Changes In Reproductive Systems o Menopause End of ovulation menstruation Symptoms Hot flashes Headaches Diziness Onset increases with smoking and exercise The 4 major health risks Sleep problems osteoporosis cardiovascular problems cancer o Sleep Problems o Osteoporosis Common after 40 Occurs with other problems not sleep well Bones become thina dn brittle rapid calcium depletion Men vs women where women much more likely to have osteoporosis LifeStyle choices can have an effect Cardiovascular Disease o Leading causes of death worldwide o Risk factors include Smoking Alochol Diet Increased fat diet Smoke Stress No exercise Exercise Weight Daily aspirin Cancer o Second leading cause of death among adults Prostate and breast cancer most common Genetic environmental factors o Cardiovascular disease can be treated o Protective factors factors that can decrease risk of cardiovascular disease o Treatments Chemotherapy Radiation Therapy Surgery Best Treatment Early Detection Intelligence Fluid and Crystalized cultural variations of intelligence o 2 Kinds of Intelligence o Fluid Intelligence Information processing Discerning Relations Processing Speed Fluid intelligence rises then declines with age o Crystallized Accumulation of knowledge Crystallized peaks in midlife Work satisfaction and dissatisfaction o Job satisfaction peaks More expertise More authority Acceptance of profession o Dissatisfaction can occur Pursue new challenges Glass ceiling especially for women Burnout Ch 13 Death and Afterlife Death perspectives Death places Caring for the dying Bereavement and grief Elizabeth Kubler Ross 5 stages of grief Denial shocked and overwhelmed with life Anger feeling your pain bargaining temporary truce thinking of the past depression withdraw from life left into saddness acceptance recognizing the loved on is physically gone and that this is a permanent reality Funeral Processes of different religions be ablecorrect religion Afterlife reincarnation and ancestor worship

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