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BMGT451 Memory Learning Notes Memory Multiple Store Model of Memory o Sensory memory o Short term memory STM Verbal processing Imagery processing May provide value and enjoyment Increases information capacity Favors specific ad formats Media properties Modality principle o Multiple modalities may enhance each other Audiovisual presentation o Redundancy may inhibit learning o Campaigns using mixed media o Long term memory LTM Availability vs Accessibility Trace strength Spreading activation Retrieval Failures Decay Interference o Enhancing transfer from STM to LTM Chunking Rehearsal Recirculation Elaboration o Retrieval Cues Recognition vs Recall Enhancing in store product recognition Diagnosing ad problems Encoding specificity Priming Learning Sources of Consumer Learning o Advertising and media o Salespeople o Product packaging o Word of mouth o Using products and watching others use products Behavioral o Classical conditioning Conditioned Stimulus CS Comes to Elicit Unconditioned Response UR Unconditioned Stimulus US Elicits Unconditioned Response UR Consumers respond similarly to similar but distinct stimuli a o Operant conditioning Cognitive o Vicarious learning o Reasoning analogy Classical Conditioning and Consumers o Stimulus Generalization rub off effect o Stimulus Discrimination Store brands Operant Conditioning o Reinforcement Consumers respond differently to similar but distinct stimuli Brand differentiation Reinforce successive approximations of desired behavior Negative reinforcement vs punishment Consistency of reinforcement Extinction o Shaping o Punishment o Applications o Positive reinforcement Increased probability of behavior Decreased probability of behavior Ads emphasizing the positive consequences of using a product Reinforcing consumption behavior Loyalty programs Classroom fun Cognitive learning o Vicarious learning modeling People learn by watching or imagining the outcomes of others People engage in creative thinking restructuring information to form new associations and concepts Ads show other people having good experiences when they use Memory is the total accumulation of prior learning experiences Tests for learning behaviors o Reasoning analogy o Applications products o Recognition o Recall o Behavior When do consumers learn most o Low involvement learning Motivation to learn is low Watching a TV advertisement More time is spent in this state o High involvement learning Motivation to learn is high Reading Consumer Reports Less time is spent in this state

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UMD BMGT 451 - Lecture notes

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