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2 21 13 Bill Clinton s Speech to the American Legion August 20 1992 running for president against George H W Bush Governor of Arkansas 12 years invited to give a speech at the DNC in 1998 spoke for over an hour not good brought him national attention running on economic grounds expert on domestic policy as opposed to Bush who was an expert on foreign policy CIA VP for 8 Years veteran Rhetorical Situation policies how others vote Exigence reputation of being a draft dodger received as weaker on foreign Audience American Legion who have the power to vote and can influence Constraints major deficit behind on the big issues draft dodger reputation for womanizing smoked marijuana but didn t inhale known for being out of shape and loving fast food all character issues plays the saxophone baby boomer known for being morally loose Resources economy is bad people want to vote for someone other than the incumbent has a lot of political experience 2 26 13 Describing Clinton s grammar Going through Clinton s American Legion Speech Review for exam 3 5 13 Style Metaphor Simile Synechdoche We will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood MLK Jr o Many different parts o Harmony o Plays in one objective sounds good together o Calling us a symphony is a more artistic way of speaking o Catachresis is an outrageous metaphor she had a cow A republic whose history like the path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day William Jennings Bryan o Comparing the history of our republic to a path In every slum there are two sides When I see a broken window that s the slummy side Train some youth to become a glaizer that s the sunny side When I see a missing brick that s the slummy side Let that child in the union and become a brick mason and build that s the slummy side When I see a missing door that s the slummy side Train some youth to become a carpenter that s the slummy side Jesse Jackson Rainbow Coalition 1984 speech to the DNC o The bad side of the neighborhood vs the good side of the neighborhood o Broken window missing brick bad slummy side Repetition diacope anaphora anadiplosis epizeuxis homioteleuton polyptoton Anadiplosis somehow with the benefit of little formal education my grandparents recognized the inexorable downward spiral of conduct outside the guardrails if you life you will cheat if you cheat you will steal if you steal you will kill Clarence Thomas 1993 Mercer Law School Address o A B o B C o C D Diacope Every pedant every demagogue every cynic every hypocrite every trouble maker and I am sorry Douglas MacArthur Anaphora To raise a happy healthy and hopeful child it takes a family it takes teachers it takes clergy it takes business people it takes community leaders it takes those who protect our health and safety It takes all of us Hillary Clinton 1996 DNC address specifically at the beginning Alliteration Their policies divide the nation into the lucky and the left out into the royalty and the rabble Mario Cuomo 1984 DNC Address usually at the beginning but doesn t need to be o Assonance is the equivalent but with vowel sounds Parallelism we have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of rescuers working past exhaustion We ve seen the unfurling of flags the lighting of candles the giving of blood the saying of prayers in English Hebrew and Arabic George W Bush 9 20 01 Address to the Nation on Terrorism o Article gerund parallel phrase Anthithesis The world will little note nor long remember what we say here but it can never forget what they did here Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address o Immediate juxtaposition of two contrasting ideas Chiasmus In politics there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers And then there are those like John McCain who use their careers to promote change Sarah Palin 2008 Republican National Convention o A B o B A Ultimate Terms big ideas that we as a culture assign a lot of meaning to God terms big ideas that we like and have positive connotations o I have witnessed that enduring fortitude that patriotic self abnegation and that invincible determination which have carved his statue in the hearts of his people General MacArthur Duty Honor Country Devil terms big ideas that we don t like and have negative connotations o There is no room for racism anti Semitism or other forms of ethnic and racial hatred in this country I know that you ve been horrified as have I by the resurgence of some hate groups preaching bigotry and prejudice Both have a lot of baggage to them o What we need in the US is not division what we need in the US is not hatred what we need in the US is not violence and lawlessness but is love and wisdom and compassion toward one another and a feeling of justice toward those who are still suffering within our country RFK after murder of MLK

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UMD COMM 401 - Bill Clinton’s Speech to the American Legion

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