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Announcements Scrapbook due next Thursday Only use examples from CH 7 15 I e anything after the Mixtape Turn in Tuesday for 3 bonus points Help take some of the stress off grading Announcements Today Abbreviated Motivation The basics and Sex Don t need to know Hunger Be sure to cover Belonging Abbreviated Emotion Expressed Experienced and Happiness Don t need physiology or Stress Why do we do the things we do What compels people to do extraordinary things Aron Ralston 127 hours movie about him Trapped under boulder for days Sawed off part of arm to escape WHY Why do we do the things we do What compels us to do basic things Why do we Get up in the morning Go to school Pay attention to our appearances Why do we do the things we do The same basic principles apply to both the extraordinary and the mundane Motivation need desire energizes directs behavior Why do we do the things we do The same basic principles apply to both the extraordinary and the mundane Motivation need desire energizes directs behavior Need desire Could be Biological hunger thirst reproduction to some extent Psychological safety comfort belonging higher level self esteem recognition achievement Why do we do the things we do The same basic principles apply to both the extraordinary and the mundane Motivation need desire energizes directs behavior Energizes Directs How are we impacted by our need desire Two components Initiates action Specifies appropriate course of action Why do we do the things we do The same basic principles apply to both the extraordinary and the mundane Motivation need desire energizes directs behavior Behavior Could be Act on INSTINCT patterned behavior such as rooting in infants Act to REDUCE a drive sating hunger thirst Act to INCREASE a pleasant feeling boosting self esteem or achievement Why do we do the things we do As always different theories How much is innate Evolutionary perspective Each had components that apply We follow basic behavioral patterns INSTINCTS Aid in our survival Fixed pattern in species Birds building nests Salmon swimming upstream to mate Why do we do the things we do As always different theories Each had components that apply How much is reacting to natural drives Drive Reduction Theory Physiological need arousal action to calm Ex Hunger Tummy rumbles Brain says HUNGRY Eat something not hungry Try to maintain constant internal state HOMEOSTASIS Why do we do the things we do As always different theories Each had components that apply How much is reacting to natural drives Drive Reduction Theory Try to maintain constant internal state HOMEOSTASIS Ex Classroom is cold reduce blood to limbs increase to core Compensates feel less cold Why do we do the things we do As always different theories Each had components that apply How much is reacting to natural drives Not only pushed but pulled INCENTIVES Learned associations DRIVE NEED INCENTIVE REALLY LIKELY TO ACT ex Hunger good smelling food Suddenly starving Why do we do the things we do As always different theories Each had components that apply Anyone ever skydived Why Acting to Increase arousal Not only try to reduce Optimum Arousal After basic needs met Seek stimulation experience Why sensory deprivation is so difficult Can be things like curiosity risky behavior Why do we do the things we do No matter what we have our priorities Hierarchy of Needs Maslow 1970 Some needs take precedent Basic biological needs survival is kinda important Basic psychological needs mental stability is nice After those are met higher level needs Can override basic needs but they are STRONG Ex Hunger strikes Compromises meeting other needs Hierarchy of Needs Maslow 1970 Self Actualization live up to potential Esteem Needs achievement competence recognition Belonging and Love acceptance Safety Needs predictability safety security stability Physiological Needs hunger thirst Skipping Ahead Sex If you re having it you probably want to keep having it If you re not having it you probably want to be having it when where with who why may differ Suffices to say it makes us do a lot of funny things What triggers the urge Let s face it if you re human you ve thought about sex But what triggers it TWO TYPES OF STIMULI External encountering attractive stimuli arousal Good sexual imagery arousal Both men and women Bad repeated exposure habituation Diminished response after repeated views Ugly positive depictions of sexual violence idea that women like rape Devaluation in general see real women as less attractive What triggers the urge Let s face it if you re human you ve thought about sex But what triggers it TWO TYPES OF STIMULI Imagined memories and fantasies Most significant sex organ THE BRAIN Both Men and Women fantasize Men more likely to More often More physically Less romantically This is NORMAL and HEALTHY When does it all begin We talked about teens in Development Puberty Hormones Sexual Desire and ability What the lack is MATURITY Teen Sex is on the rise From 3 of women having premarital sex pre 1900 To now about 50 of 9 12 graders report having sexual experience Can we trust that number WHY WHY NOT The problem Teens are immature and unprepared When does it all begin The problem Teens are immature and unprepared Compared to European teens less sex but also less protection Ignorance don t know what works overestimate peers activity Why do only about 1 3 of sexually active teens use protection Guilt regret having sex Overwhelmed don t prepare Don t know about birth control uncomfortable asking parents Alcohol Use alcohol use correlates with sexual activity risky behavior Media show unsafe sex how often do you see a condom but not consequences Glamorizing Teen Pregnancy Shows like Teen Mom 16 and Pregnant My Teen is Pregnant so am I When does it all begin The problem Teens are immature and unprepared Lack of proactive behavior consequences 2 3 of new STD infections are in 25 crowd Multiple partners chance of infection What predicts restraint High Intelligence appreciate negative consequences Religiosity reserving sex for marriage or value waiting Father Presence for girls above and beyond other factors Volunteering and community involvement don t know why From energizing to direction So sex is a basic urge do we all share the same attractions To discuss direction of sexual interest SEXUAL ORIENTATION Enduring attraction toward Our own sex homosexuality Other sex heterosexuality Views vary by culture Majority is heterosexual Is homosexuality

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