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LEARNING DISABILITIES As delays deviations performance discrepences that cannot be contributed to mental retardation emotional disturbances or environmental disadvantages Learning disability encompases many different problems Individuals with learning disabilities have above average to average to near average intelligence but experience academic and social difficulties A potential for learning disabilities at all ages learning problems with listening and speaking Between 5 10 of the school age population has some sort of learning disability Reading trouble with word knowledge and recognition and comprehension Writing and Spelling issues with writing patterns forming letters spacing of letters omitting and adding letters Math simple math concepts writing numbers Discrepency between intelligence and functionality Intelligence skip class Cognition have difficulty comprehending information tought in class Perceptual visual discrimination IDEA CHANGED BEHAVIOR DISORDER TO EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES Emontion comes first behavior comes second Inability to learn inability to gain and maintain satisfactory relationships Innapropriate behaviors under normal circumstances Pervasive moods of unhappiness Often have phobias and fears of normal situations ie Going to class being in crowds There are 12 13 groups LD makes up 40 50 of disabled youth Behavioral Characteristics fall under 3 categories Emotional Behavioral and Academic Emotion anxiety disorder panic attacks phobias depression extreme changes of behavior Bipolar ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder CD Conduct Disorder

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