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Globalized American Sport Peoples Importing product importing people athletes The key element of globalization is the movement or flow Donor countries are often underdeveloped Host countries usually developed developed vs undeveloped in terms of sports Dominican republic is a donor country for baseball and the US is a host country where as in soccer the US is the donor country and England is the host country Soccer will forever remain the sport of the future because this is not our game Without question the in migration of various peoples into the US has had a significant impact on American sporting culture This is evident in the impact in migrants have had on established dominant American sports and furthering emergent sports to the American context Globalization of American sport spectacles Within the age of an instantaneous global media sport culture fans do not need to occupy the same geophysical space Hence virtual sporting communities have emerged linked by a particular sporting interest distanced from each other by geophysical space but united through networks flows of global media technology Within the global media age American sporting isolationism is an impossibility The US is both are producer and product of these global sport flows Globalized American Sport Capital Capital looks for the highest rate of return profit The global sport capital flows are also two way In terms of ownership and sporting institutions they have been deterritorialized The final exam Tuesday 8 10 in the room as the lecture hall Formal 40 multiple choice most from module 3 and a few comprehensive questions on major concepts and theories 2 short essay questions approximately one page each Module 1 focused on the ways power capital and ideology directly and indirectly impact people s lives opportunities and social relations With references to concepts and readings from BOTH the first and 3 modules identify and describe how power capital and or ideology operate at each scalar level subcultural communal national global and provide appropriate examples from physical culture demonstrating structural relations at each scalar level One significant theme of module 3 is the way in which people form their identities in and through their relations to particular spatial sales with specific reference to the ways in which identity is socially constructed as presented in lecture during module 2 discuss identity formation at the subcultural community and national levels and provide appropriate examples with explanations for each General about MC don t ignore all of the above or none of the above

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UMD KNES 287 - Lecture notes

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