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Study Guide Exam 1 Psychology of Adjustment S12 It is important to review all lecture guides Make sure you have a complete set of the handouts given in class The purpose of this study guide is to reinforce the most important issues and to help you apply them like you will need to do on the test Multiple choice questions can be answered if you can answer these questions Short answer questions are likely to come directly from this guide Introduction and Chapter 1 What is adjustment Reflects the ability to manage or cope with the demands and challenges of everyday life What might it look like to be well adjusted Beyonce successful career relationship independent self reg Poorly adjusted Lindsay Lohan addictions drug debt depression What does this statement mean Adjustment is on a continuum and it is multifaceted as well as environment and era dependent can you give examples of each Really a continuum that involves judgements multi faceted well in work well at friend or maybe well in one and not the other environtment depended culture or subcult dependent time or era dependent ourlist would be different How is life different from a generation or so ago In clas we examined changes in technology communication consumers information entertainment health and aging the values and attitudes know some changes in each category Communication cell environment phones social net works Info more readily availiable 24 7 over whelming Commercial online shopping commercial cupons Recreation less or more lazy way of going about loss of patients Can you name the ways from lecture that technology makes life harder the 6 challenges we face today that they didn t face a generation ago or that weren t so difficult at least In what are some specific ways mentioned that tech makes it harder to protect the particular vulnerable Privacy face to face contact is down work 24 7 stress Vulnerable What is meant by the paradox of progress We enjoy more leasure time more choices but we are not happy Can you give a few examples from class and or the text Many choices paralyzed World feels bigger AND world feels smaller more control over world BUT more pollution What are choice overload Barry Schwartz and hedonic adaptation What is one of the major challenges for people today as described in class and in the text Finding life s purpose finding a sense of direction finding out if we make a difference What is meant by happiness What is not important not associated What is somewhat important moderately associated What is very important strongly associated Besides economic development wealth what other factors are associated with the happiest cultures What 4 conclusions can be drawn about happiness Chapter 2 Personality What is intern syndrome What is personality know the 2 parts assumptions mentioned in class The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual s distinctive character 1 Know the 4 theoretical perspectives as they apply to personality and adjustment just like in the handout what does each say about the origins of personality how would each define an adjusted person can you recognize but not memorize the major strengths and weakness each perspective If I give you characteristics can you name the perspective If I give perspective can you pick its characteristics for example which focuses on the origins of behavior which on personal growth and personal choice What word do we use to describe a theorist that combines ideas from more than one perspective class of you the unconscious Eclectic Can you name the Big Five from the 5 factor model of personality see also 2 sided handout from class on this Oppeness to experience Condcientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Do you have a good sense of the types of characteristics or traits that belong with each factor Flash cards What does is mean that the factors are believed to be comprehensive and universal We believe is is a deal lands on big 5 you know the person generally What does it mean that the factors are independent hint it tells you something about prediction and about the number of possible personality types Not correlated knowing the score for one gives you no clue how someone will score on the big five endless numbers of combinations What are surface traits and source traits and how do they show up in the Big 5 What are some possible applications of assessments made using the Big 5 How much of personality is inherited 50 Can you place Maslow s hierarchy of needs in order some versions show an 8th need what is it and what does it mean What are the underlying beliefs of this theory of self actualization Clear efficient perception of reality spontaneity simplicity naturalness Autonomy independsnce of culture and environment balance in personality strong friendships feelingsd on friendships with human race 2 What does it mean or look like to be self actualized Do you have to go in order through the needs Do you ever have to revisit earlier needs if so when What are some of the connections or similarities between Maslow s work and Terror Management Theory Why humans need self esteem Brain development Successful psychotherapy Terror Management theory a theory developed before most Americans were concerned about their own personal safety from terrorist attacks predicts that people will do two things in response to feeling an increased awareness of their mortality what are they Look for a sence of security and belongingness things to increase these feelings find meaning AND look for an increase in self esteem things to increase self esteem Can you give examples of how Terror Management Theory fits with what we see after small and larger threats to our well being Often it is a win win sometimes not give examples of both Neighbor dies you bring them food its a win win our self esteem goes up we feel productive go back to church look for meaning in life 9 11 01 change behavriors staying in places didn t fly as much loss of security government began doing the same thing establish a sense of security Chapter 6 The Self What do we mean by the self your ongoing sense of whom and what you are how and why are act the way you do how and why you react the way you do Know the 3 components that contribute to an individual s self concept physical social personal Pysical self Pysical characteristics more Social self all the roles we play are we actors Im a sister a wife a student Personal self your private continuous experience only you have

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