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Chapter 6 The Self final topics Self regulation What is it What is it associated with connected to Is it stable What The ability to direct and manage your thoughts feelings and behaviors Involves the ability to forgo immediate gratification and focus on important long term goals Impulse control Associated Success in relationships Success at work Better physical health Better mental health Stable More than we want if ours is low Age 4 predicted 20 years later those good at age 4 are better at age 24 Can people gain self regulation What helps us get more We are born with it it s how we are brought up and development But not totally learn by Self efficacy helps Can practice and get better Coping skills Rest and energy What are the 4 components of emotional IQ Can we teach it Most success if teach before what age 1 Recognize and manage anger 2 Soothe self when needed 3 4 Recognize and read others emotions and nonverbal empathy Impulse control Understand and connect with their experiences Teach Yes Age Best chance for change before mid adolescence What does the ego depletion model of self regulation say or predict Is there support What Proposes self regulation is limited If we use energy to stay regulated in one situation it decreases our chances we will stay regulated in the next Support Yes Last perception told them One group can eat only radishes Cannot touch the chocolate and second group can only eat the chocolate cannot eat the radishes Later they had to solve unsolvable problems The people who ate the radishes spent less time and less attempts than those who had the chocolate Chapter 3 Stress What is stress When does stress become stressful What The demand made on the organism to adapt cope or adjust Demand for change Need to look at individual s response to stress to se if actually stressfull Stressful 1 Threaten well being 2 Entice coping Can you define and distinguish between acute and chronic stressors Which in general is worse Acute Momentary Time limited Chronic Long term pervasive No end in sight Worst Chronic Intensity rating helpful too What is anticipatory stress can you give or recognize examples of all of these Anticipatory Worry about what s ahead Example Worrying about a test even though you know the material and have studied What two contributors of stress were mentioned most in the McIntyre Korn and Matsuo data 2008 The first was listed by 36 as biggest stressor the second by 26 36 biggest Interpersonal 26 second School or work A review of the APA 2010 data showed what as the four main contributors of stress answer money economy work relationships and health self and other Are there any good things about stress List them for example what is stress inoculation Satisfy need for stimulation and challenge Promote personal growth and self improvement Stress inoculation New stresses impact less if dealing with it well dealing with stress today makes us stronger and better with stress in the future But too much stress which varies by person and stress without a break leads to harm The effects of too much can be seen cognitively behaviorally emotionally and physically Can you give examples of each For example what 2 ways are we impacted cognitively What did the Yerkes Dodson Law show us What should you do about test anxiety What kinds of physical behavioral and emotional symptoms are you likely to see Cognitively Impaired task performance disruption of cognitive function Behaviorally Emotionally General psychological and behavioral problems Stress can initiate or exacerbate virtually all psychological behavioral problems and disorders Physically Physical illness acute and chronic Now widely accepted stress can impact virtually all illnesses Yerkes Dodson Law Inverted U hypothesis Level of task complexity simple medium complex Performance level vs Level of arousal Increased arousal is associated with improved performance up to a point after which higher arousal leads to poorer performance The optimal level of arousal for a task depends on the complexity of the task Complex task Relatively low level of arousal tends to be optimal Simple Performance may peak at a much higher level of arousal Stop studying take a break and breathe Test anxiety Physical symptoms Virtually any illness Behavioral symptoms Depression anxiety any disorder Emotional symptoms Anxiety depression schizophrenia eating disorders OCD alcohol abuse What does psychosomatic mean Why isn t it a very useful term anymore Psychosomatic Stress influences real illness Why Because virtually all illness is caused by stress What does this mean the perception of stress is more important than the actual stress What types of things can impact that perception Evaluating stress how does the Primary appraisal of stress differ from the Secondary appraisal of stress When is something considered stressful And what is the problem with this model See also fig 3 1 Perception important Where some see a challenge and an opportunity others see the exact same thing as a disaster Perception is critical to reaction outcome Perception will vary with big 5 resources cognitive and emotion self regulation self efficacy explanatory style support etc Primary appraisal asks is this relevant or threatening to me Secondary appraisal if yes to primary appraisal asks how will I deal Stressful if the demand is GREATER than the skill resources Problem too simple rarely one at a time We discussed 7 sources of stress contributors of stress Know what types of things fall into each of the 7 categories and why they are believed to be stressful know what the research says as presented in class about the association between each and health or psych functioning for example which source is most highly associated with psych and health difficulties In addition can you distinguish between the four types of internal conflict and what was that thing about vacillating can you distinguish between a type A and a type B personality and what behaviors and outcomes are associated with each Why are daily hassles such a problem when each one is such a little thing What causes frustration 1 Daily Hassles Stress of everyday life Regularly occurring conditions and experiences that require attention Any alone seem small but together they matter Cumulative Don t understand impact Chronic no break no recovery Predict mental and physical health better than major stressors But not independent 2 Life changes Change is stressful many avoid resist if puts us out of our

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