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Male Female difference regarding sexual relationships 1 Be sure you know the 5 key differences between men and women and their thoughts expectations regarding sex and relationships group differences you will find exceptions Men have more interest in sex think about it and want it more Connection between sex and intimacy more important for women and men woman typically prefer it in relationships Aggression is more likely linked to sex for men than women Female sexuality more easily shaped by culture and situational factors sex attitudes change easier and woman more likely to change sexual orientation over time Men more likely to initiate sexual contact women serve as the gate keeper determine if it happens again 2 How are these differences caused and or maintained by socialization Messages boys and men get o Encouragement to Experiment sexuality Initiate Enjoy sex without an emotional commitment Get message to be conquest oriented o Men learn to emphasize sex casually Blame the Victim In class activity 3 Why do we in so many cases blame victims What does it do for us How do the just world hypothesis and the Fundamental Attribution Error play into this And how does it help us when we learn that someone has been victimized sadly we are not alone many victims will also wrongly blame themselves for what happens too The Date Rape Domestic Violence Lecture Guide given in class stop by office hours if you need 4 What of rapes are committed by someone the victim knows 90 53 5 What percentage of all rapes happen in context of dating This is important because up to 30 of women are thought to be raped during their lifetime men can also be raped most often by another man 6 Know the differences between stranger rape date rape and acquaintance rape definitions as well as possible contributing factors why can date rape be particularly difficult Stranger rape 11 of rapes o Violence expressed through sex o Sex not primary o Forced with stranger Date rape 53 o Could be physical force or coercion o May gave even had sex before Acquaintance rape 26 o Generally black and white like stranger rape in that respect o No expectation of physical contact o More likely forced over coercion 7 What is coercion And note it is rape if you coerce someone into sex and it will be considered rape if you have sex with someone under the influence of alcohol or drugs and they claim later they would have said no if they hadn t been under the influence Coercion o The act of compelling by force of authority 8 Know about some of the trauma specific and more generalized consequences of rape Trauma specific o PTSD fears nightmares flashbacks Generalized consequences o Any depression anxiety physical symptoms 9 Know the factors that keep many victims from telling Self blame especially if drinking Embarrassment Shame Fear of retaliation fear won t be believed Lack of support Court system can re victimize Fuzzy memory especially if drugged 10 How does alcohol contribute to rape for men and women it is the most common date rape drug Undermines ability to interpret ambiguous sexual cues making men more likely to Impairs judgment Reduces inhibitions making men more willing to use force overestimate their date s interest in sex In general the more alcohol the more force Increases woman s vulnerability to sexual coercion o Clouds assessment of risk o Impairs ability to resist and or escape 11 What are some of the other factors discussed that contribute to rape including male characteristics use the class handout for this Date rape drugs Drug facilitated sexual assault Aggressive pornography Gender differences in sexual standards Situational factors 12 Reread information for both sexes about keeping safer from violence and from accusations Be able to list at least 3 ways for men and 3 ways for women to stay safer Men Woman o Be familiar with definitions o Date rape can be coerced physically and emotionally still considered rape o Limit alcohol and drug consumption o Recognize if a person had too much to drink or taking drugs o No mean no o Recognize rape act of sexual aggression o Be familiar with characteristics of men who are likely to engage in date rape o Beware of excessive alcohol and drug use o New date date in a public place and carry plenty of money o Communicate feelings and expectations about sex appropriate disclosure o Be prepared to act aggressively o Be cautious granting alone time with ex boyfriends 13 What of women are believed to be victims of domestic violence over their life time WOW Men are also victims of physical verbal and emotional abuse but sadly we have less info on them What are the common issues underlying domestic abuse What are some risk factors for domestic violence Including personality characteristics of abusers 25 14 What are the likely consequences outcomes symptoms for victims 15 In half of the houses with violence kids are present and they are at high risk for child abuse too what are some of the possible consequences of witnessing violence for them Virtually any symptom can be witnessed or caused by violence Therapy can help but must be identified and brought for treatment 16 Name and understand at least 5 reasons that victims stay in or return to violent relationships Love distorted or misplaced attachment Self blame Learned helplessness Embarrassment guilt shame Denial minimization rationalization on part of the victim Hope Irrational belief Loss of self esteem Physical injury Adult Development and Aging 17 Erik Erikson maps out a series of developmental tasks that take us from birth to death What two themes emerge In addition have a general sense of the 8 life tasks he proposes their order and their relevance to a satisfying life see class handout 18 What is ageism Can the elderly be ageists Ageism o Negative attitude about old people prejudice Yes Reaction time Learning time Processing time 19 What skills remain steady in old age as long as there is not disease process occurring 20 What skills do we see declines in for most people not considered due to disease 21 Do you think the elderly should have to re take their driving tests Why or why not Yes elderly causes more fatal accidents than teens 22 Is dementia a normal part of aging No 23 Name things you should do if you see cognitive declines in a family member that is getting older important because some declines reflect health issues that can be addressed and in those cases the declines may be stabilized or even reversed 1 Take for

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KSU PSYC 21211 - Notes

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