General Psychology Chapter 14 Stress and Health Stressors Events that cause stress reactions Responses to Stress Stress Term used to describe physical emotional cognitive and behavioral responses to events that are perceived as threatening or challenging Physical problems Ex fatigue sleeping problems illness chest pains nausea Emotional problems Ex anxiety depression irritability fear Cognitive problems Ex lack of concentration poor memory poor decision making General types of stressors Distress Stress that is caused by unpleasant happenings Ex Divorce death in family Eustress Stress that is caused by positive things Ex Marriage having a baby Lazarus s cognitive appraisal theory of stress The way we think about a stressor can affect how stressful it becomes Primary appraisal estimating severity of the stressor Secondary appraisal estimating resources to deal with stressor Three categories of stressors Catastrophes Unpredictable even that happens on a larger scale Ex Tornado destroys home Major life changes Big life changes Ex Getting married starting job going to college Hassles Daily annoyances in life Holmes and Rahe s Social Readjustment rating scale What are the most stressful events on the list Death of a spouse divorce personal illness College Undergraduate Stress Scale Sources of stress What are the most stressful events on the list Rape HIV death of close friend finals pregnancy scare Pressure Demands and expectations are high from outside source Time is most common source Has negative impact on performance and creativity Uncontrollability Learned helplessness effect Ex If a group of animals gets inescapable shocks they will fail to learn to escape from shock later on even though escape is possible LH animals are more susceptible to illnesses May be a good model of post traumatic stress disorder Executive monkey syndrome Monkeys put in chard of too many things become overwhelmed Frustration Occurs when people are blocked from achieving their goal Minor vs Major frustrations how serious the need goal is to attain Responses to frustration Persistence Aggression Displaced aggression Escape withdrawal Conflict Approach approach conflict torn between 2 desirable goals Avoidance avoidance conflict torn between 2 undesirable goals Approach avoidance conflict choosing yes or no about a goal that has both bad and good things about it Multiple approach avoidance conflict choosing between more than one goal that has both good and bad things about them Stress Reaction General Adaptation Syndrome Alarm ANS activation burst of energy fever nausea headache Resistance body settles into ANS activation Exhaustion sympathetic reaction used up resources gone fatigue illness Stress and Personality Type A personality workaholics perfectionist competitive Three times more likely to have unhealthy heart conditions than type B Type B personality easy going slow to anger Type C personality internalizes feelings More likely to get cancer Hardy personality thrives on stress Chapter 10 Personality Personality Unique way in which individual thinks acts and feels NOT character NOT temperament Goals of personality Psychologists Want to know about the characteristic behavior of humans Perspectives Psychodynamic role of the unconscious mind Freud During the time of Victorian society and sexual repression Three subdivisions of the mind Preconscious memory for info Conscious one s current awareness Unconscious hidden surfaces only in dreams and in unexplained behaviors most important part of personality Three parts of personality Id Ego Superego Id All in unconscious mind Pleasure principle Exists from birth Ego In conscious mind Rational logical Sometimes referred to as the self Reality principle Superego Development of morality your conscience Develops during preschool ages Rule orientated Conflict between Id and Superego creates inner conflict and anxiety Psychological defense mechanisms to resolve conflict we create unconscious distortions of reality 5 Stages of psychosexual development Oral stage mouth 0 1 5yrs old effects of early or late weaning Anal stage 1 5 3yrs old effects of toilet training Phallic stage genetalia 3 6yrs old castration anxiety penis envy development of superego Latency stage age 6 puberty sexual feelings repressed cooties Genital stage age puberty sexually attracted to peers Fixation unresolved conflict during a stage of development causes one to get stuck in a stage and develop odd personality characteristics Neo Freudians Broke away from focus on sexual behavior emphasized social environmental influences on personality Carl Jung Collective unconscious memories shared by all members of human species Alfred Adler Feelings of superiority and inferiority Birth order effects Karen Horney Basic anxiety Effects of secure and insecure upbringing Erik Erikson Eight stages of psychosocial development Behaviorist role of learning Social Cognitive View Modeling and expectations affect personality development Humanistic role of individual s life choices and self concept Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow Self actualization tendency need to fulfill one s own potential Formation of self concept Real self vs Ideal self Trait concerned with specific traits of the individual Want to predict individual behavior based on personality traits Allport s trait theory Personality is genetically pre wired Cattell s 16 personality factors Surface traits vs Source traits The Big Five OCEAN Openness Willingness to try new things Conscientiousness organization and motivation being responsible Extroversion outgoing sociable Agreeableness emotional style friendly pleasant Neuroticism emotional stability or instability worrying anxiety Chapter 11 Social Psychology Areas of study Social Psychology how people think about influence and relate to other people Social cognition how people select interpret remember and use social information Impression formation First impressions Stereotyping Self fulfilling prophecy Attractiveness Attribution Attribution theory people are constantly trying to understand the underlying causes of their own behavior and the behavior of others Internal vs External causes Ex Internal She didn t study for the exam because she is lazy External She didn t study for the exam because her roommates were noisy Stable vs Unstable causes Ex Stable He yelled at me because he is a hostile person Unstable He yelled at me because he was having a bad day Controllable vs Uncontrollable causes Ex
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