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Emily Schprechman ALL EXAM 4 NOTES Post Modernism Continued BUTOH Performance art that developed in the late 1950s draws from the rich history of Japanese performing arts and developed according to collective and individual beliefs Bugaku Japanese court dance steeped in tradition ceremony including elaborate costumes and specific music Used to be only for the court but now it is open to the public Noh Theater Highly refined classical musical drama dating back to the 1300s includes masks to portray their character elaborate costumes and specific stage structure Masks So the performer can fully inhabit the character through their voice and movement Fully manifest the character Musicians active in the performance live Kabuki Highly stylized avante garde newer theater originating in the early 1600 s that includes singing dancing and elaborate production elements Originally performed by women and taken over by men they can portray any character that they choose All performed by men Hiroshima Nagasaki were bombed in 1945 Climax of WWII BUTOH FOUNDERS CHARACTERISTICS DEVELOPMENTS Tatsumi Hijikata 1928 1986 1959 Created first Butoh dance Influenced by German Expressionist dance Wigman Dance Theater Performance Art Attempted to directly confront the human condition o Obsessed with death destruction o He called type of dancing Ankoku Butoh or dance of darkness Characteristics Aesthetic movement V Specific theatre dance form Asserts o Japanese essence o Pre modern aesthetic o Jarring v Provocative o Natural body v Cultural body o Anonymity o Nudity without shame o Western commercial influence o Traditional beauty o Traditional gender distinctions Rejects The many faces of Butoh Kazuo Ohno Dai Rakuda Kan Sankai Juku Yoko Ashikawa Kazuo Ohno 1906 2010 Modern dancer in his 50s when met Hijikta They worked together for 25 years Signature solo La Argentina inspired by a Spanish dancer he saw in 1929 Elaborate system of skirts wore capes wore wigs hats Tended toward to the more traditional extremely elaborate costumes Yoko Ashikawa I believe that you must be very harsh very disciplined in finding the body s ideal expression Simpler expression less shocking Painter who began working with Hijikata in the 1970s No movement training Together they developed series of gestures that became standard to Butoh including facial expression Tongue out touching tip of their nose eyes open but slightly crossed eyed November 18 2011 Jazz Dance An Introduction Music Dance in Africa African Dance in America Music Dance in Africa NOT separate from one another EVERYONE PARTICIPATES Utilitarian Social Integral part of life Characteristics of African Music Dance Dominance of percussive concept of performance Rhythm Time most important Polyrhythmic different rhythms happening at the same time Katherine Dunham learned and incorporated into her dances Solo amidst continuation of group Songs of allusion dances of derision recall drum censorship Further Characteristics of African Dance Connection to gravity o Bent knees o Full foot on ground Isolations Code of behavior IMPROVISATION Improvisation Augment Innovate Challenge Display Skills The Ostrich Choreographer Asadata Dafora 1932 Dancer Charles Moore 1984 The Chuck Davis Dance Company November 21 2011 Free to Dance Volume 1 Questions to ask yourself while watching it 1 What is the first dance preformed by African Americans in America The Ring Shop 2 Where do the movements of early African Americans come from 3 What does vernacular mean Folk The dance in its own environment The original dance of the people of where it comes from Jazz dance at its roots had everyone dancing ANSWER QUESTIONS ON OUTLINE Plantations 1700 1865 Performed by African Americans that were enslaved Cakewalk Africans danced to it to make fun of the whites Plantation owners found it amusing and brought the slaves into their houses to perform it for them Brings European dance mixed with African dance Minstrel Shows 1830 s Early 1900s First only danced by whites portraying themselves as blacks Humor stereotype of blacks Caucasian performers but some were blacks Caucasian performers would pain their faces black and call themselves black faces Tap Dance came out from this Master Juba William Henry Lane 1825 1852 Created Tap Dance in 1840 West African Pattin Juba Irish jig reel slide shuffle clog TAP 1845 First black performer to get top billing over a white performer in a minstrel show Reel Around the Sun movie Irish Clogging River dance Upright do not move the spine Developed step dance because they were not allowed to dance If they were seen in the window it would not look like they were dancing Soloist emerged and the line backs off However when soloist is done the line makes room for them Arms stuck by side Huge line doing the same thing is only for performances Tap Dance Entire body movement clapping cheering Polyrhythmic Arm movements complement footing Almost acrobatic Most artists have their own flavor Tap Legends Bill Bojangles Robinson 1878 1949 Eleanor Powell 1912 1982 Brought hula to tap dance A lot more like ballet Clean more attention to the footing always about the rhythm and time The Nicholas Brothers Fayard 1914 2006 Harold 1921 2000 Always danced together Always in a tux Elegance Acrobatic November 28 2011 Sammy Davis Jr 1925 1990 Savion Glover b 1973 Gregory Hines 1946 2003 Vaudeville 1880s 1920s LOOK IN BOOK Harlem Renaissance 1921 1933 3 dances that emerged during this time 1 Charleston 2 Lindy Hop Late 1920s to early 1940s Began in Harlem Depression era dance Man leads the woman Technically difficult 3 The Blues Popular in mid 1920s After WWI women joined the work force Revolutionized woman s role in dance Woman could be sexually aggressive in socially acceptable format Game tease Late 1940s to early 1950s Dance of individual expression talking to oneself Can be danced alone or with partner referred to as the grind Katherine Dunham Not widely accepted or danced outside the black community November 30 2011 Theatrical Jazz Dance Musical Theatre Jack Cole Gene Kelly Bob Fosse Jack Cole 1914 1974 Cole s Highlights LOOK UP BACKGROUND CONTRIBUTIONS IN BOOK Studied and mastered Bharata Natyam His style combined jazz dance world dance and ballet Identified his style as Urban Folk Dance Lindy Hop from Tonight Every Night 1945 Bharata Natyam ala Coke from Kismet 1955 Choreography Gene Kelly 1912 1996 Kelley s Highlights Dancer actor singer choreographer director producer Innovative use of

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