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Post Modern Dance Merce Cunningham Judson Merce Cunningham 1919 2009 History Graham soloist for 5 years Studied with Horton Graham Contributions LOOK UP BELIEFS in textbook LOOK UP PHILOSOPHY in textbook LOOK UP CHOREOGRAPHIC METHODS in textbook New technique positional exactness mobile spine Technology dance Merce Cunningham Dance Company Launched post modernism in dance Collaborated together John Cage composer Merce Cunningham Robert Rauschenberg visual artist Photo Interscape 2000 1946 CHANCE the way things came together was accidental Element of surprise Wanted the audience dancers musicians and himself to find out in the moment what was going to happen Merce Cunningham Dance Forms began as Life Forms All of the choreography established on the computer Points in Space Choreography Merce Cunningham 1985 Music John Cage made music out of everyday sounds Videographer Elliot Caplan Dancers Members of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company What techniques or styles does Cunningham use in his work Ballet What is the relationship between the performers Disconnected no Modern bringing it together emotional attachment What is the relationship between the music and the dance No relationship POST MODERNISM Coincides with and influenced by social currents the Civil Rights Movement Feminism Vietnam Artists looking through personal lens or context Artists and academics reinterpreting the past Discreet parts of an art form deconstructed or pulled apart Great emphasis on interplay Everything happening at once pop art minimalism environment art conceptual art neo expressionism POST MODERN DANCE Improvisational spontaneous Pedestrian movement dress Mixing of techniques styles Simple if any design elements Site specific Process oriented collective Rejects traditional gender roles Technology Found sound voice silence Non linear non narrative but is it dance Trio A Choreography Yvonne Rainer 1966 Performers Postmodern dancer s ballet dancer man off the street

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