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Dunham s Legacy Katherine Dunham Centers for the Arts and Humanities Technique incorporating different cultural techniques forms including Broadway glamour Illuminated West Indies Dance Culture Religions Jamaica Cuba Trinidad Haiti and Martinique Authored 3 books on Haiti Barrelhouse Blues Choreography Katherine Dunham 1940 Dancers Cleo Parker Robinson Colorado Randy Brooks Stephanie Carden CPR Dance Ensemble What is so controversial about this dance Sexuality that was considered vulgar movement of the pelvis African American choreographer and dancer What does it introduce to modern dance Jazz sensibility more movement from the whole body Pelvis shoulder movements More joyful more fun Vernacular dance Pearl Primus 1919 1994 The Negro Speaks of Rivers 1943 My Career has been a quest a search for roots Pearl Primus 1988 Primus History Born in Trinidad raised in NYC African grandfather was member of the Asante people she spent 3 years in Africa Studied with Graham Humphrey She drew from modern dance and African cultures Teacher Anthropologist Ph D in Anthropology numerous honorary doctorates other awards Opened up ways for those who do not live in the US to study the cultures and dances Primus Legacy Pearl Primus Dance Language Institute Study Preservation of world dance Central West Africa Caribbean African American Social Protest created dances based on work of African American writers African American spirituals issues of race Strange Fruit Choreography Pearl Primus 1943 Poem Lewis Allen Dancer Dawn Marie Watson

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