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New Dance Choreography Doris Humphrey 1935 Music Wallingford Riegger Dancers Members of the 1972 American Dance Festival Repertory Company Group work synchronized all doing the same thing at the same time second group plays off of what the first group does Everyone is dressed in a similar fashion Different from Graham more graceful takes us back to ballet playful more upbeat less tension more sustained Graham controlled chaos a lot of extension of the legs knee bent feet flexed Second Generation Dancers Beginnings Lester Horton Katherine Dunham Pearl Primus Lester Horton 1906 1953 California Horton was inspired by Native American culture and worked in collaboration with musicians such as Duke Ellington Designed his technique to stretch strengthen different areas of the body through a large range of motion movement Flat back Lateral balances Characteristics of his technique Deep lunges and squats Ascents and Descents rising and falling Horton s Legacy Among first to integrate his dance company Codified technique Dance Drama Complete theatrical experience Launched generation of talented dancers and choreographers including Alvin Ailey Orozco depicts soldiers fighting during the Mexican Revolution in 1926 Anthropology looking at cultures their practices making choices what the leave behind archeology studying cultures Katherine Dunham 1912 2006 Dancer Choreographer Anthropologist Vodoun Priestess Dunham created a technique that integrated cultural dance forms ballet modern and featured flexible torso and spine articulated pelvis isolation of the limbs and polyrhythmic movements different rhythms at the same time

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