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Modern Dance Pioneers Hanya Holm Martha Graham Doris Humphrey Charles Weidman Hanya Holm 1893 1992 Germany PUPIL of WIGMAN Opened Wigman School in NYC Choreographed for concert stage musical theatre Kiss Me Kate My Fair Lady Improvisation an important part of class Individual approach v technique Best known for her work in musical theatre Martha Graham 1894 1990 Performed in DENISHAWN Created a complex rigorous dance technique based on the contraction and release of the center of the body Before starting a company she spent time on her own discovering what her body could do Purpose of body to objectify beliefs and translate Emotions into physical form Jumps exercises on the floor exercises at center To be great art must become indigenous it must belong to the country in which is flourishes not be a pale copy of some art form perfected by another culture and another people The psyche of the land is to be found in its movement Major Themes Feminist perspective LOOK IN BOOK Martha s Legacy Among first to integrate her dance company Presented a modern feminist perspective in dance Codified technique Combined abstraction and theatricality into a new dramatic dance form Furthered costume and scenic design through her work with other artists collaboration Errend into the Maze Choreography Martha Graham 1947 Music Gian Carlo Menoti Costumes Martha Graham Set Isamu Noguchi 1 How is the movement different from what you have seen so far Everything coming from the pelvis small twitching movements both stiffness more confined to the floor utilizes props children and her vengeance Contraction and release 2 What feelings does the work evoke Tense Anger Uncomfortable 3 Are you drawn more to the technical aspects of the performance or to the dramatic aspects Are they one in the same Both Cave of the Heart Choreography Martha Graham 1946 Music Samuel Barber Costumes Martha Graham Dance as Medea in Medea s Dance of Vengeance Takako Asakwa Doris Humphrey 1895 1958 In DENISHAWN Charles Weidman 1901 1975 In DENISHAWN Weidman and Humphrey both asked Who am I Strove to find own movement experience before establishing a technique Developed technique based on fall and recovery playing with balance and unbalance o Humphrey called it the arc between two deaths LOOK IN BOOK Humphrey s Interests Weidman s interests Humphrey Weidman s Legacy Shifted focus from solo to large group Social issues ideal society of individuals working together in harmony without losing sense of self Humphrey published first book on choreography and dance theories

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