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MODERN DANCE as a concert phenomenon Meanwhile in Germany Rudolph Van Laban 1879 1958 Was not a dance but was someone who practiced movement Performer choreographer First flash mob choreographer Laban s Vision First Functionality o Dance significant by itself o More interesting without meaning Community Activity o Groups of people moving in unison to choreographed movements powerful and effective way for people to come together Spiritual o Connection between the body soul o Public recreation should be artistic creative Laban s Legacy Categorized movement according to Changed understanding instruction of o Space o Time o Energy o Movement o Dance o Acting o Composition Labanotation System of notating movement Mary Wigman Hanya Holm Mary Wigman 1886 1973 Studied with Laban German expressionist Portrays state of artist s inner state instead of reality of external world Non Western percussion instruments Gongs different kinds of drums from China Middle East Japan Her sound was unique Work masks to allow body to express pure idea or emotion Performer anonymous Performer unselfconscious more expressive THE FORERUNNERS continued Witch Dance Loie Fuller Isadora Duncan Rudolph Von Laban Mary Wigman Ruth St Denis Ted Shawn Ruth St Denis 1879 1968 High kicking Skirt dancer Ballet Acrobatics Spanish Dance Exotic costumes Ted Shawn and Ruth St Denis were married Ted Shawn 1891 1972 Theology student Paralyzed due to his illness Dance as rehabilitation Studied ballroom as physical therapy DENISHAWN School Company led by Ted Shawn Total Dancer LOOK IN BOOK Dance religious expression Dance integral part of life Orientalism fascination with Asian cultures Bakawali Nautch Choreography Ruth St Denis 1924 Nautch meaning dance in Indian Dance Pase Dolbe Fan kicks Jazz Hula movements with the hips Belly Dance Flamingo Ted Shawn His Men Who Danced Jacob s Pillow 1933 present TIMELINE 1790 Massachusetts farm 1850 s Underground Railroad Station 1930 Shawn bought for retreat 1933 1942 Company of men dancers lived worked performed 1942 Ted Shawn Theatre First Theatre Designed specifically for Modern Dance 2011 JP alive and kicking annual season festival year round community programs and events 1942 Ted Shawn Company split up due to WWII

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