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Dance as an Art Form Review Exam 2 French West African Asante of Ghana drums important part of dance censorship European Developments Minuet Allemande Contradance Important Elements Movement characteristics Purpose of dance Who dances Other elements Significant Individuals Contributions Relationships See exam 2 review outline on VISTA Ballet Periods Early Romantic Classical 20th century Neoclassical Contemporary Ballet Important Elements Movement Characteristics Production aspects Example Neoclassical ballet combined classical technique with modern concepts Example elaborate sets stage design in Classical ballet streamlined in Contemporary ballet Social Political Influences Examples Victorian Era shaped the roles of men and women in Romantic ballet Relationship to other art forms Important Individuals Respective Period Contribution Relationships Example 1 Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov collaborated on numerous Classical ballets Example 2 Lincol Kirstein brought George Balanchine to America Ballet Terminology Members of the classical ballet company Sections of the ballet class Grand pas de deux SAMPLE QUESTIONS 6 1 Russian choreographers and dancers became leaders in ballet during the Classical period False 20th century 2 This individual is responsible for placing dance at the forefront of French court culture He was frequently the star perform in court ballets King Louis 3 This type of ballet company features roughly 10 25 dancers equal standing who perform the work of multiple choreographers contemporary repertory 4 This German court dance includes an intertwining handhold and served as a bridge to more democratic touch in European dance Allemande 5 Women generally perform Petit Allegro during the beginning portion of a ballet class False 6 The follow are all characterists of Romantic ballet except Men were the muses of ballet Men were the creators women were the muses

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