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Emily Schprechman October 14 2011 Isadora s Inspirations Spontaneity expression of feeling Isadora s training employed simple movements walking running skipping jumping reaching beckoning pointing and pantomime gestures Nature flowing curves rise fall giving in to gravity Greek Art Philosophy body is beautiful beauty molds character used for Greek art as model for new dance form Women were marginalized not as much power as men Rebelled against the ideas of society Making dance displaying her body in public not on stage in a way that was not deemed acceptable Revolutionary in the dance sense Rudolph von Laban her dances were the expression of the life of her soul She reawakened the sense of poetry in movement George Balanchine awful unbelievable a drunken fat woman who for hours was rolling around like a pig TWO DANCES Allegro Vivace AND Revolutionary Choreography Isadora Duncan Dancers Lori Belilove Co Unique movement characteristics skipping jumping flowing arms and performing very simple movements Does not meet the Victorian era s expectations of what dance should be Unique movement characteristics lifting of the leg raising of the arms Movements that everyone can do Audience can identify with that person because they see things that they are able to do

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