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AterBalleto Story Ballet Romeo Juliet Rome Italy 1979 Contemporary Companies led by Single Artist Size 10 15 dancers all dancers equal does not follow Classical model Repertory Contemporary choreography by singular artist School NO some offer workshops Examples include Armitage Gone Dance Jane Armitage New York City NY 2004 Compared to Classical Man very strong women very flexible Roles very similar in classical ballet Athleticism very different from classical Complexions Contemporary Ballet New York City NY 1994 Modern Dance Dance form that developed in the early 20th century A dance form performed in bare feet bare feet vs pointe shoe that can be distinguished from ballet by its use of innovative movement time space energy and attention to socio political themes ideology Any number of dance techniques 7 or 8 that have been codified by various dance artists beginning in the mid 20th century Original to the United States One of the original art forms of the United States The Forerunners people who laid the foundation or base so that people can build on top of it Loie Fuller America Isadora Duncan America Rudolph Von Laban Germany Mary Wigman Germany Ruth St Denis Ted Shawn Loie Fuller 1862 1928 She was not a dancer First woman people talk about when speaking about Modern dance Changed the way people look at the body on stage 1889 The Serpentine Manipulated cloth twisting swirling under low lights Loie s Spectacle Experimented with different colored gels Utilized projections 1800 s first multi media artist Stood on glass lit from below Glowed on stage Traveled with 50 electricians Radium dances She was an acquaintance of Madame Curie Went to her and asked her for material so that she could glow in the door She put Phosphorus and Salts so when the lights go out people could see her Shed the corset Performed without one Scandalous Loie s Legacy Trained company of dancers in her style Loie Fuller and Her Muses Technological advances Effected society and what you can do in the arts Loie Fuller Lamp by Francois Raoul Larche Circa 1901 Modern Art art Encompasses a wide range of work created from the 1860 s to the 1970 s Term modern art refers to style ideology ideas or beliefs about visual Arts began to reject depiction of historic romantic and classical events to portray contemporary life or view They wanted to depict what was happening in their lives at the present time Western society attempting to deal with urbanization industrialization and secular society Culture is moving away from the sacred We are living in increasingly crowded areas Lots of industry Support changing Artists free from church state aristocracy making work according to individual ideas interests and beliefs Look up Brancusi online Isadora Duncan 1877 1927 Has dance experience and wanted to create dance where the body was seen Duncan s History Ballet against the laws of nature Wanted to express her inner feelings Felt that ballet could not express inner feelings She needed to start a new way of moving Solar Plexus

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KSU DAN 27076 - Contemporary Companies led by Single Artist

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